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is proud to have been a tkgian & tjcian :D:D
i❤my shitzx to bitzx too!
mix the words up.

Designer Basecodes

It took time to see:
August 2004 September 2004 December 2004 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 February 2007 March 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 May 2009 April 2010 January 2011
hear tis' sweet-nothings

"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."

Tuesday, May 31, 2005
bored to tears; 10:30 PM

i'm just bored here plain bored =/

bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears bored to tears

eh.. heard a-sang's shouledianshang over 93.3 and i didn't know it was actually that korean/jap soundtrack of dolphin bay and i loved it alot!! whee.. (:

still i'm bored to tears.. boo
without the constant beeping of my cellphone )=

Green apples(:; 5:50 PM


oh please some slimming center, any slimming center if you get to come across my blog one fine day please ring me up at 9XXXXXX6 or 6XXXXXX0, i promise i'm a promising spokesperson(: sponsor me c'mon!! i'm out for grabs! slimming sanctuary, marie france bodyline, jean yip, expressions, cenosis WHATEVER i'm deperate for one.. pwetty pwetty please? -puppy eyes-


i'm trying to be an accomplished pig today. woke up at 730 this morning but went back to sleep at 900, after i went out for breakfast with my family, all the way till 1300(: piggish eh? ate so much somemore -belched- hehs.. dead dead dead arh x= to think that i'm supposed to lose weight by this thursday, guess it's gonna be concluded officially as a flop. but tsk.. since when has any of my losing weight plan been successful?hmmm..

watching some variety show hosted by xiao S and xiao zhu DAMN FARNIEH SIA!! -guffaws- they're broadcasting the post award activities of the celebs and it was so frigging hilarious can!? i laugh till i can peng arh.. on the sofa((:

boohoo.. didn't know there was a bookfair at suntec larh dumbass now then tell me -grumbles-
tsk tsk.. when are you giving me my sandwich arh? huh.. -acts blur- hehs.. (:

Monday, May 30, 2005
cheated )=; 9:46 PM

bleagh.. whatever just came back from spex. lost 6-1 6-0 )=

those two idiots dont' even know how to count scores one larh.. cheat us like so many times? 30-30 to them is 40-40?! they can just go and die larh!! >=(
forget it..

-yawn- feeling so tired now. tsk.. salt and pepsi tastes nice larh can? dunno how to drink then say so larh(: ah pui eh, you damn the pui you know? x)whole day only know how to bully me only.. poor me )'= everytime kena!! hahas.. today i laughed alot too.. but you suddenly became so ticklish

hmm downloading more icy towers characters now ((: when i should be doing something else(: -ahem-

oh no.. hees.. i didn't do that guess i can't sleep tight tonight le..

Sunday, May 29, 2005
Urge(:; 6:06 PM

iNINEyeu to infinity..

Close; 1:55 AM

and i've never been held and i've never been kissed in this way.. oh
you're all i'll ever need
when i'm in yeur arms i need you to know..
i've never been; never been
this.. close


Saturday, May 28, 2005
for yeu*; 9:25 PM

9:46pm now..

family watching Ghost 10 now. hmm.. my brother bought it today(: went out with jingchun after tuition to lunch and all, tsk.. my family was treating her to cyrstal jade can? humph.. (: also that mr lame braces is damn the lame today can.. he and his dirty+qianbian jokes bout the buddha and jesus thingye HAHHAS.. deranged mashi-maro. ms ang was equally lame larh.. as usual, was dissing loke yeo to her bout the lax security in our school.. 3/6 and 4/1 being ransaked. bleagh.. OUR SCHOOL'S SOO INSECURE LARH! all thanks to that talk-big-idiot..

went to scout for that girl's birthday present with jingchun after lunch and we saw some mediacorp artistes!! and guess who?? JULIAN HEE AND FIONA XIE!! ARGHHH =D they're so compatible together can?! and finally for once.. i get to see both of them((: i've been hoping to bump into some celebs. well anyway, that's not the point larh.. then we continued to choose presents and all.. yeap and we (jingchun, salesgirl and i) decided on this particular item. (x


supposed to be doing math now.. but hahah look where i end up at? =/
pui eh watching golden horse award now )=

*5 more days]] ilu-

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
bapok humour; 2:00 AM

trying to multi task now(: doing social studies, browsing the net and smsing all at the same time. HAHAHAS

went over to poot's place first thing in the morning. met her at the interchange and while we're having breakfast at macs( you idiot forced me to EAT!! now i've put on a few more frigging stubborn FATS can?! i'll hold you responsible for this THANKYOU! (:), we saw this pair of obese malay man opposite us and the one in black was wearing this pair of jeans with such low cutting that his butt crack was revealing!! it was the dirtiness of his butt crack that grossed me out entirely. -grossed- hmm.. for further details check out poot's blog larh ((:

FINALLY.. i bought that chain that i've been eyeing on for soooo long please! it's now dangling at the corner of my phone ((: 314 took neos. poot and i roamed round tm before i left at 6 (:

yeah.. went to pp to meet up with my family. tsk didn't know we're having streamboat. -bleched- i'm bloated!

Saturday, May 21, 2005
bored; 9:36 PM


xoxo; 8:55 AM

finally after spending like days and days of trying to fix this stoopid layout's font, this is the final product. initally it was verdana, then i tried to change it to arial (but this fooking layout just don't take arial, dunno why -shrug-) then now it's tahoma. if only i knew tahoma looks kinda nice on this layout, i wouldn't have spent wasted so much time!!
haish.. i think i'm falling sick soon, for the second time in the year )= firstly, it was my tonsilitis (izzit spelt this way?hmmm..) and now i'm having this symptom -- feels dizzy whenever i bent down, head and nose seems clamped and there's this tinge of sourness in my nose =x and the most coincidental thing is that bear and julie shared this symptom and both fell sick after a long night's rest.. -prays- please i don't wanna fall sick at this time!!! )'=
but then again it's been a loooong loooong time ever since i had a full 8 hour night's sleep..
didn't attend training today, cuz i'm afraid i'll faint halfway toiling under the hot sun =x
yeah.. long weekend ahead ((: but what the fook the school muz disrupt it by giving us soooo much work to do!
  1. bio project writeup deadline: friday
  2. english dramatization summary deadline: tuesday
  3. social studies essay deadline: wednesday
  4. emath graph homework deadline: tuesday

this is getting so crappy.. school sucks a thousand times larh!! bleagh..

[[xo ; xo]]

Friday, May 20, 2005
hmm.. still raining (:; 9:59 AM

haish.. i was trying to change the font of my blog to arial but then this stoopid design just don't recognise arial bleagh.. =x

i think ever since monday every one of us has already switched to the holiday mood ((: we're just so looking forward to the holidays (: bear was funny in class today, yasmin her and i are writing this story game and it was atrocious and sounded hilarious! micheal jackson.. pontianaks and asses with jaws. hmm... and excuse me beverly, i'm no pontianak i'm a sweet looking inoccent beauty with brains thankews hehs you head of a pau! (x

.. and after school julie fawn jozette and i went for the rio tino thinye gosh it was SO FREAKING TOUGH SIA! well.. maybe not so larh but i've never came across almost the entire paper's questions =x most of the time's agar-agar one (: fish.. and throughout the test my phone was vibrating non stop. it was so irritating+distracting!! 12 missed calls.. from my mom she thought i sneaked out to shop cuz she saw one of my tk neighnour and she said there wasn't any science tests. like hello? she's not chosen for it that's why?! bah..

ate wanton mee with choc ni, julie, kendra and felicia after that ((: hmmm.. then i walked back to school and bumped into hot hoy. hehs.. then of course i asked her for my discman larh and thank god stoopid cow went for remedial today (: so i shall not be naughty and not eat beef for 1 day.. enough? hahahs.. then went all the way down to the field and i saw my tennis juniors trying to bat, they're fabulous! reminds me of how pro i was in sec 1 ((x hahhahas!!

the rain outside seems to have subdsided hmmm...

"4 more days..
17 more days.."

Thursday, May 19, 2005
catching raindrops..; 5:18 PM

rain rain rain the whole evening and night away please.. ((:

catching the rain
missing* all the drops -;

Tuesday, May 17, 2005
i regret;; 11:12 AM

hmm today was a slightly better day.

we got back our results and bleagh.. my english is disastrous! )= i got a b4 /b3 can? puhuhuhu.. hahs but i managed to argue back 1/2 mark for bio ((: me = kiasu right? hahaahs.. but that's what everyone's doing.

fawn, choc ni and i were doing cheena project in the afternoon and it only came to me that i lost/dropped my wallet! hehs.. we were searching high and low for it. i was retracing and retracing my steps but to no avail. met viv and she joined in the search ((: hah.. and that cleverpok fawn guessed that maybe it was bear who took my wallet and to our suprise the wallet was indeed with bear!! ((x hmm.. i've bought her a bar of hershey to repay her! i very the good right??

that hot hoy's driving us mad.. 145 questions for just 5 marks for next term's ST. going home to pia later.. ))= oh nevermind.. shall break my record and be diligent for once (:

in the midst of happiness lies a tinge of sadness. i know it's too late but please open your doors once more..
i'm believing in yeu.

:)remember; yeurs *

Sunday, May 15, 2005
hiding place; 2:20 AM

after chatting with some people last night, i realise that a ft is inevitable. i just hope to salvage the teeniest weeniest bit, before the whole starts collapsing.

last night was horrible. it was pouring heavily sia. and i was sitting all alone in the hall using the computer and all of a sudden, "BOOM" goes the thunder.. scared me out of my wits sia!! -shivers- =/ and it didn't happen once only.. maybe twice or thrice. hmm and after attending that thong's lesson, i can identify this rain as convectional rain HAHAHAS.. or maybe it wasn't. maybe it was monsoon? bleagh.. who cares. it's just rain. (:

shhhh... *

Saturday, May 14, 2005
i'm falling.. soon; 11:02 PM

i just wish i could turn back time.. i just wished that i didn't keep mum..

i just wish..

nothing's going right for me now, i'm losing one by one. but i didn't really mind cuz i thought i still had it. it's my everything. i still thought i can take it. as long as i don't lose completely.

but apparently, things just don't turn out right when everything starts plunging downhill. )=
i wasn't quite sure when it started but it dawned onto me that even my last, most precious possession is slipping away too.. i tried not to panic. in the day, it is still managable but sometimes when night falls, and behind closed doors, i realised it's already too hard to hold everything back. often i find my assessments stained suddenly. i just can't control the flow.

no one knows. sometimes i wonder how can i possibly seal myself and have fun on the surface and break silently on the inside.

i feel i'm facing everything by myself with nothing but tears and fake smiles

maybe i can lose everything. but i can't lose it. i don't wish to see people with suspicion.
once trust is broken. bring back the past.. i struggle

my pillar *.. still there?

Thursday, May 12, 2005
heavy; 6:27 PM

asshole fooker bitch kf.. argh, you suck you know? .V.

my life these few days haven't been very nice huh, and i've been feeling so very shit.. and i still thought you can at least cheer me up abit.. but what happened in the end? you ass make me feel even worse.. no help at all sia! =/ hmmm.. still thought you were trustworthy;

anyway.. went to pp after school today with viv to scout for my bio project materials. nothing fun larh.. =/

sarcastic , i'm shutting up

lock my heart* ; and throw the key away-

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
stuck in the mud; 11:58 PM


i'm going crazy.. sheesh my bio project is in a mess =X stimulus or response of our hormonal and nervous system bleagh.. like who the hell will understand huh.. huh.. HUH you tell me larh? -.- that yo-yo yong oso didnh't brief us on the proposal thingye, now you ask me to hand in a copy, how the hell am i suppose to produce it for you? lay one for you meh? -grumbles- that yo-yo yong.. we went to find her 5 times in total le but only managed to talk to her once and it was a few secs only larh like huh.. less than a minute? can you look for me after school?i'm very very busy at the moment so OKAY.. viv said we should use hay-yo-hay-yo-hay ((: to lure her out!! BWHAHAHAHAS..

puhuhuhuhuhu.. i want to go pp tmr!! ='( evil mom, don't believe me I DON'T FRIEND YOU LE LARH!humph..

training was shitty as usual.. that ah-lina and i scored only a miserable 3 but hey.. what's so wrong about a 3 huh? at least we didn't return with a kosong right?bleaghs.. we'll frighten you with our power one day!!yeah.. one day.. X= and hello ah-lina xiao jie.. please don't open your mouth any more, it stinks can?? and stop saying that i'm crying you crossbreed -- chickion (chicken+lion) (((((:

..and ouch!! can, it's very traumatising one lehx auntie (x i thought i was gonna die for one moment ((: but then it's CHAO malu can??

yeu and i;

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
i've seen through you; 1:59 PM

i just hate my current life larh can?
everything's in such a mess. even the only consolation i have is turning its back against me.. long time ago )=
sometimes i'll say : nahh c'mon, it's alright.. tomorrow will be a better day. it'll definitely be. but heck! think everything's so smooth going.. wake up. -shrugs-
there're just so many things weighing me down now. like i can't even smile without using force. (:
bah.. just hope that tomorrow will be a better day ha-ha yeah.. =X

i. hate. my. life.

come and take me away.. i'm not strong. i don't wanna break.

Sunday, May 08, 2005
just wanna fish you; 1:42 PM

humph.. something so unreasonable happened just now and it totally dampened my mood can? idiot.. you invaded my privacy and still ticked me off saying i was rebellious? use your frigging useless organ in your thick skull to think whose fault is it.. who's the stoopid rude one who kpo-ed into the sites i'm browsing and my msn convo sneakily? shit you larh.. >:( and please don't jump into your own absurd groundless conclusion can? don't you know one word of yours can turn my whole life chaotic? i just wanna fish you even though how nice you are.. your temper is really appalling.. check yourself before reprimanding me!!

hmm.. dunno why i just got back my blogging spirit ((: ain't it good? or else i'll look so loserish without a blog in this generation hahahaahas.. and for all those who doesn't know exactly what are blogs, blogs are just a place for anyone to jot down their daily chronicles and pen down their feelings. in other words, it's an online diary. and since anyone can have access to it, there'll naturally be danger. but why not look at the brighter side, everyone's happy using blogs to express themselves.

hai.. weekends are always my maths day.. friday i have to pia my chem and amath tuition homeowork then on saturday i'll have to complete my emath homework, and that's what i'm doing now -- emath. area and colume of similar figures and solids. i'm nerd! i realised that i'm nerdy in some way and pai in other ways too. ((: maybe something like the most pai among the nerds ((: hehs..

hmm.. feeling so sian now larh. realised that i don't have the blogging skills. some people.. arh i don't wanna say who larh, someone by the name of vivienne lim huixin(oops!) said i blogged too formally. hmm.. maybe lorh so i'm trying to sound like some stoopid uneducated lian trying to blog.

bleagh.. =/

Saturday, May 07, 2005
-; 6:59 PM

hmm.. lemme see this is like the first time of year 2005 that i've came to blog. kinda amazing eh? well just a reminder for myself next time when i grow old..

i'm being posted to class 3/7 together with buds like fawn, jingchun, julie, xinni and yiling. ((: then blah blah found some more new buds here and there like carissa cow, linyi 01 and that snake lookalike vivienne lim huixin! (x hehs.. i wanna spell out your FULL name arh! so this is about it.. on 3/7

yesh.. i'm feeling so piggish now can? just finished my cheese fries not long ago and i'm munching on my fried rice that my aunt's been forcing into me )= seems like i'm getting further and further away from my ideal figure. i'm turning into a watermelon!! puhuhuhuhuh.. apple rocks (: cleared my fried rice, chewing my apple so crunchy and juicy.. I LIKE! argh.. and that stupid msn alert, stop flashing! you're distracting me asshole snake.. hehs (:

hmm.. tuition was just so fun just now amath was entertaing cuz ms ang was acting like some kinda superstar. why? cuz i brought her up to cloud nine by saying she looked like zhang ziyi -.- toot leh she.. maybe that's what makes her so different from my other tutors ((: she's just so candid and has a great sense of humour. most importantly, she's a beauty with brains. tuition ended and we, together with xinni jingchun and donglin, went down to let loose an orange balloon! it went all the way up.. up.. and up into the sky and it was almost as high as the hdb block! hahahahaa.. and it got stuck in the neighbour's house twice and thrice on trees! ((: yeah.. and when the balloon was too high, we took it back and that was when i spotted a huge rainbow it was really very huge.. ms ang and i were so enchanted by it and amazingly, it started fading off whenever our balloon gets stuck and by the time we took back our balloon.. it's already gone )= but then it was satisfying to have seen a rainbow after soooo many years ((:

i'm fat can.. and i'm really trying my best to shed some before june holidays -hint- so i can doll up looking nice.. not with a bulging tummy beneath a skirt or short ))=

went pp yesterday with vivienne.. dined at pastamania and nerded at bk can't believe that we're nerding there too.. nerdification in process. idiotic toot, you better pay off your debts arh you are already heavily in debt geddit? hahahhahahaha.. pig us then went to treats and shared another bowl of korean rice.. some bibibam thingye. i've been longing to eat it and trust me.. it's really DELICIOUS!! -drools- (; went home later.. geesh you asshole, thank you for waiting (x

gosh.. i'm down with a bad sorethroat and cough can? and all the credit goes to that cow. %^@@!^*& my sexay voice had came to stay.. and i've been attracting more fans using my charismatic voice and rachel's my sexay sexay no. 1 fan!! viv's my 2nd and jc's my 3rd. devi's my vip.. ((: but so long sexay voice.. my sweet soothing melodious voice's returning dude!!hahhahahaas.. ((: