hear tis' sweet-nothings
"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
; 10:08 PM
oh gosh. my mom almost put my heartbeat to a stop!! =/ my dad found some paper that i doodled on and questioned my mom bout it. dunno larhs then in the afternoon my mom discovered some sai in my mailbox and got a rude shock i think. eurgh, she requested for an explanation on what's going on AAARRGGHH!!! )= i think i should safeguard my belongings more carefully. hmmm maybe i should join star search =/. i
really can act damn well larhs HAHAHS -bhb-
anyways today was FUN! :DD let's start with the aces day dance which was damn gay. the only part worth mentioning was the gay and shocked expression on diane ang's face when the school wanted to do the dance a second time. she was like :O aahas!! it really amuses me to see teachers trying so hard to twirl, follow the beat and catch the rythm. mr yong, diane ang and ang wee jin were farnieh((: then came the celebrations. finally i've gotten to see edna dance. she's damn pro larhs and she looked so chio on stage. GO EDNA, the girl that stands behind me during assembly(: but such a pity larhs why they keep positioning her at the back )= but i loooved her solo!
met up with sarah and did some catching up with her. it's so good to see her again cos i really miss her milions man )= anyways took bus to bugis and had seoul garden. ehs the lady cheat us larhs.. the buffet was suppose to be 5 hrs then she kept saying that they've shortened the timing to 2 hrs cos it's teacher's day eve and blahblah veh busy. like whatever but we still ate there cos our minds were like switched to the 'seoul garden mode' pigged out inside there :DDD took tons of si chuan chicken and experimented with the soup(: hahahs.. xinni and i tried to make our own flavoured chicken. we marinated the chicken slices with soy sauce, pepper, chilli powder and egg white(: so weird larhs and our chicken tasted so salty =/ haflway through the meal fawn and jingchun started acting out a short film larhs. SO FUNNY! it's like this:
xinni: ehs jingchun what's the time now?
jingchun: 1:15pm
fawn: huhs.. i thought it's 1:12pm what?
jingchun: NO, it's 1:15pm
-fawn and jingchun glare at each other-fawn: you wanna lau huey (bleed) is it? -glare-
jingchun: you want orrh-ba-kak (blueblack) har? -glareglareGLARE-
HAHAHAS.. it was so funny larhs, jingchun can look fierce if she wants to sia =X as usual, we'll play pranks on one another and ni is our lucky girl!! :D cow and i put strands of noodles and chilli powder in her file HHAHHAHS =/
took neos later and we took TWICE :DDD and i like the second machine cos we took the music theme one. it's like DDR and we'll have to face the camera according to which direction does the dance arrow points larh SHO FUN!! i think everyone looked veh natural and pretty there cos it's candid, totally(: ooh and did i mention that we saw huang wen yong and mark lee along the way? hahas.. they were filming and huang wen yong looked young! after the neos we loitered a while more and fawn and jingchun had to leave. and.. it was left with xinni cow julie and me(: stupid xinni had to shop for kendra and felicia's presents and she was rushing us from shop to shop. can't even shop properly larhs =/ in the end we decided to go our seperate ways. xinni and julie will continue to scout for presents while cow and i go find a place and rest ( we have no stamina :DD ).
so both of us went to starbucks. bought coffee and chatted again. lalala realised how similar mothers can be. HAHAHAS.. and, we went home. took 32 and we alighted at our stop and the nice me had to wait for her 10 to arrive before i can go home =X nehminds.. since she was so nice to take bus with me.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
; 5:44 PM
i seriously admit that i have a habit of hanging out real late before deciding to head home. hmms my mom was right afterall =/ BUT i'll come home early if only i have the whole house to myself like in the past.
went to the smelly pet shop outside our school to purchase FATS' ( wanilla's nick ) bedding. that shop seriously smelt bad, like some decomposing shit liddat. i think sam's pet shop smells so much nicer than it HAHS. eeeyer i'm listening to kelly's rendition of yi shi de mei hao on 93.3 and IT SUCKS =X i really think sin huey did so much better for this song )= oh nevermind.. it's already been finalised.
had instant noodles with cow and joz at videoshop later and we laughed alot HAHAS.. i think jozette brings all the laughter she was like telling us about this movie bout this mountain guy and BWHAHAHAS it's sho damn farnieh larhs((: ni called and she told us that she can't take care of the rabbit. why? cos she dont dare to pick up fats lars =/ just because fats jumped out of the box that she placed it in when she was changing the bedding. bleaghs. joz was like screaming at her over the blardy phone larhs, pissed. but it's glad that ni's uncle is willing to take fats in(: but we'll all see if ni'll escape joz's claws tmr if she breaks the news =/ eww i dun want any blodshed larhs :D so jozette left and it was cow and i. we sat there and chatted till 5+ yeap.
oooh AND TOMORROW'S TEACHER'S DAY CELEBRATION!! hahas.. i'm not excited bout this larhs.. or rather it's bout the seoul garden thing later on. cow and i are bringing extra clothings so we can enter the arcade :DD
i'm a pig. i'm gonna pig out tmr and i've been binging since monday. SOOO.. THAT MEANS I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT OVER THE HOLIDAYS LARHS ))=
Monday, August 29, 2005
; 10:29 PM
i'm feeling emotionally drained and tired. yeash juggling both my friends and family. i've been crying so much in the nights that my eyes are starting to sting everytime the tears come. it's been a while since i've felt this way. sighx.
i'm such a rebellious unsympathetic sentimental creature.
eurgh. my eyes are sore from all the crying. i keep everything for a purpose. and thank god smses can really pull me through those hard times ; when i slip into that imaginary happyland of mine(:
"一直以来, 我以为我可以跟上你的脚步, 陪你走遍天涯海角, 陪你找到属于我们的幸福…可是我却忘记…你的脚步太快…你是个遥不可及的目标…而我…始终追不上你… " -- xiezhi_renfu
Sunday, August 28, 2005
; 7:16 PM
even the best falls down sometimes ;even the stars refuse to shine.
Friday, August 26, 2005
; 10:23 PM
i'm sho bushed now. but i insist that i finish blogging tonight. cross country ended on a high note(:
WE WON ZANY PARADE AND CROSS COUNTRY!!WE ARE THE CHAMPS 3/7 :DDDit came so unexpectedly, i promise. CHAMPS dint even cross my mind throughout the whole parade cos we were just too slack, compared to some other classes. they were struggling and racing against time to perfect their cheers and costumes. hehs, but we still came in first[= our runners were fast: rachel/ yasmin/ saachi/ peijun/ fatin/ sakino/ suerya etc. AND RACHEL WAS THE FASTEST AMONG THEM. SHE WAS THE SIXTH TO COMPLETE THE WHOLE RACE, BRAVO!! hahas.. and for the zany parade, we were dressed in our disgusting looking bathrobes of colours that clash horribly and applied mel's ZA facial mask on our faces! it was fun fun fun! you can peel the lotion off your skin once it'd dried and so we kept applying and removing till mel asked for her lotion back HAHAS. then the hilarious part is that i was arguing with xinni in chinese with this funny taiwanese accent:ni: 来啊 来啊 刘老板. 我很便宜. 来啊 来啊!!
( heeeey boss liu [julie], wanna try my service? i'm veh cheap only! )
me: 哎高老板.. 来啊 来啊 我才是好货色, 我的服务比她好!!
( eeeii boss kao [carissa], take me take me! i provide better service that her! )
ni: 喂, 你男人的眼睛怎么那~么小啊.. 和你一样! 看我的那么大!!
( eh.. how come your guy's eyes are so small, just like yours! )me: 喲, 但也好过你的.. 我的有 neh 你的没有!!.. moii one berri guud!!
( aiyoh at least he's better than yours. mine has curves whereas yours DON'T!! )ni: 硬硬的!
( so hard! )me: 谁说.. 一看就知道是软的!! 因为不是 silicon 做的
(who say.. it's soft soft one can? because it's not made with SILICON!! =/ )everyone: HAHAHAHAHS :DDokays.. enough of that NC-16 stuff. joz's bathrobe resembles the clothes that silver wore when she sang ai shen!! HAHAHS crazy jozette went around rambling that she looked like an ai shen =/ yeah.. ai shen for the day. then after the parading thing, joz ni 01 fawn panda and i were playing with this bottle of gatorade. everyone of us were taking turns to jump on it in order to burst it AND we ended up flinging it onto a tree. linyi missed her first throw and it landed on someone's bag HAHAS.. and that stupid thing didn't burst when i tried to yank it onto the tree. instead the tree cracked larhs. that was dumb =/
HAHAS i accidentally touched linyi's neh. oops!! ( sorry fawn [= ) cos we were kicking sand into each other's shoes and i just touched there larhs when i intended to push her away. hmm but then all the fun ended here too.
settled dinner at PP with jozette and amanda and we ate mee soto at a hawker center. okays then we went to bangbang in our PE attire and the lady at the counter recognised our uniform larhs. she was saying that we CAN go in provided our PE shorts cant be seen. lucky amanda brought an extra pants and joz faked her way through, claiming that her CHIJ shorts isn't school shorts. bleagh! poor me had to sacrifice my image and wrap my bathrobe around my waist larhs BWHAHAS.. i looked like a fool =/
before we realised it, amanda's phone was kena stolen, and we suspect this maid with 2 kids, cos she was sitting veh close to amanda when we were playing time crisis 2. shiit lehs.. we combed all the ice cream shops but to no avail. baaah.. that dishonest maid can just die larhs. if we caught her just now i'll send her packing arhs. phhuii..
phew.. WHAT A LONG ENTRY!! gotta run and finish burning my mother's cds =/ faster lehs i wanna sleep. i've been feeling sho sleepy since 9plus and it's already 12:03am now. booo )= AND I'M HUNGWEE!!

hahas.. it's me and choc chia ^^

i personally like this psp picture cos WE RAWK!! :DDD
Thursday, August 25, 2005
; 4:57 PM
tomorrow's CROSS COUNTRY!! umms but i'm not anticipating anything tho. hehs just came back from PP with xinni and julie(: we went to scout for bath robes and I AM A HAPPY GIRL[[[= cos i ate ice-cream! chocolate summore((: think i'll have to bring alot of things tmr huhs. lemme see: 2 bathrobes/ all my showercaps/ bathscrubs (tentative) hmm and that's about it =/ it's quite a heavy load eh considering i'll have to carry back my amaths. uhs
we went to sam's pet shop later and WHOOOSH(: I AM OVERJOYED!! cos i saw him(: tsktsk. ehs i just learnt that ni doesn't like guinea pigs, especially black ones? hmm why i dunno. she just reckons them ugly and downright disgusting. but but but she says she likes small white rabbits!!
school was B-O-R-I-N-G today. we wrote a speech for chinese today, went through lit text for lit, ponned (but not exactly larhs..) PE, learnt bout sulphur during chem and some shitty formulaes for amaths. phew! nowadays i pon lessons, i give the excuse of relieving myself, then i sit on the table outside the toilet with joz and cow and admire the scenery. well it's better than listening to teachers who bore me out eh?
hmm i'm listening to sinhuey's yishidemeihao now and it's so frigging nice larhs. she CAN sing better than kelly. such a pity that she was butted out )= i think i shall stop here. my entry's getting draggy and boring =/
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
; 6:25 PM
守着你的誓言 风在笑抱着你的回忆 泪在掉 爱过的每一秒都是煎熬 难道你真的忍心忘就忘掉舍不得你走掉 你走了aaah.. julie and i (okay.. actually it's only me) are so addicted to this song!! i kept singing whenever i go.. but it's nice what((: cos derrick and sebestian sang this song during the first quarter finals hahas. i shtink, just came back from training mah. hmms sometimes when you think you know a person veh well, think twice. izzit really the case? i always think it's all about that barrier in betweeen, once you cross over, we can be the best of friends or at least. juniors(:
aaahh.. i have to bear for another 2 days )= joz and i went to patronise the pet shop outside our school after lunch. so kawaii nehx the dogs in there. hahas but i still can't find another cute lickle thing =/ tsk.. having another bitching session now. jingchun's talking bout her band shtuff, poor girl always kena by her conductress. -patpat- and tsktsk.. she finally said the f-word(:
eeeeurgh and there's this unknown person on friendster who wanna make friends. shoo!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
; 9:58 PM
hot hoy took my stack of papers away!! sheesh )= that huge pile consist of my bio and eng paper, i guess, together with jozette's lyrics. and she havent returned me the papers yet =/ HAHAS but then come to think about it, will she have any idea what's that string of korean song lyrics all about?
after school went to lunch with julie, ni, cow, joz, sophia and fat chong. that fat worm amuses me sometimes. she doesn't even know what's wanton mee, chee kuey nor kuey chap!! AAAHHH what kinda singaporean ish this? banana woman larhs she(: then the choir peeps left, leaving cow, joz and me behind. as usual we chatted till 3+ and decided to go to PP. AHEM(((: shopped around and bodyshop's having a sale! fuzzy STAWberry(:
hehe we saw the timmy person from heartlanders and found out that he's from chong cheng main. BUT HE'S ONLY A SEC 2! poor cow's bubble's pricked )= -evil grin- hehx it's now that i realise carissa cow's such an EVIL huge thing =]evil evil evil BUT I LIKE!! grow grow grow and it'll shtink!! hahahahas
HIM NOW!! ))))= AND I CAN'T GET TO SEE HIM TILL SATURDAY! BUT NEHMINDS I HAVE HIS PICTURE IN MY PHONE, THANKS JOZ!! =] WA.. WA.. WA! all i can say is that he's SHOO CUTE NEHX! aaaarrhh.. i think i better stop, i'm becoming like a lunatic =/
你带我上天堂 又推我下去
我拥抱着遗憾 坠落在天际
; 5:59 PM
i think i've learnt more bout things around me these few days. and suprisingly, i've been quite frank and composed facing the ugly truth. just last week, i felt the similar pain i've went through before surging up within me. uncontrollable, but i guess i've learnt to protect myself. it dint hit me as hard. still, it stabbed me hard, real hard. why is it that i still hope to get a little something or another in return even though i've seen the ugly side of some people? 牵挂是种无法痊愈的伤痕.
and yesterday at sakae, we talked alot too. been confessing and advising and laughing so hard (it drove my troubles aside) and pigging out so much till i puked foam. hmms i've been thinking, i hadn't been true to myself or those around me enough. i'm sorry i dint answer truthfully)'= i'm just cheating myself. i couldn't digest the truth tho it's been a few days old. sighx. no matter what, the ugly side of truth will always hurt.
你却把我当作敌人假装失去我的记忆 为了隐藏以前痛苦回忆
Saturday, August 20, 2005
; 7:59 PM
my legs hurt NOW. ouch =/ walked the whole of bugis today with xinni, jules and jingchun but jc and jules left earlier. took neos(: sho pwettie!! went to the national library before that and borrowed some books((: i'm finally craving to read! that's good. BUT i couldn't find joyluckclub )= they're all on loan. eeeyer i dunno know how to continue this pointless post. AHAHS toodles then :DD
Days are eggshells.
And today, any day at all,
could be the last ordinary one of your life
and you wouldn't know --
the day the eggshell cracks
and nothing is ever the same again.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
; 6:55 PM
am i supposed to be furious bout how things are?
school = bore. joz was late today, she came between bio and chem and she bought us our refreshments(: made copper sulphate crystals today during chem and i can't wait for tomorrow cos we're gonna collect our crystals!! eck. ever since the beginning of this week, i think, i've became hyperactive very easily dunno why. HAHAS. "chi yao shi jian dao le!! (time to take your medication!!)" doesn't this sound familiar huhs ni? :DD
crazywoman 1: me -- class C
crazywoman 2: xinni -- class A++
crazywoman 3: jingchun
crazywoman 4: julie
crazywoman 5: carissa
ah ni, jules and i planned to go to the library today but it was called off. had a FT instead. as usual jingchun was MIA again but at least this time was better cos we were frank(: ahem. went to PP after that and ate at treats. walked around and jules bought her 'stairway to heaven' finally yeash? ms-WHAO :DD
" huhs, we got MC whats!"
"uh-uh-uh.. MENG ZAI SHOU LI!"
okays. enough of crapping. i think i've just earned myself an enemy. but then, why must someone hate? this is something i can't fathom.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
; 10:50 PM
got back our formatives today kinda disappointed with bio but at least i did mr braces proud for chem(: got 8 and 12 respectively. yeahs and BOOO.. i can attain an A for bio this term. nahs.. nehminds buck up for finals then(: ms soh returned us our chem song FINALLY after how-many-donkey-years. we scored a miserable 8!? i can't believe my eyes at first larhs. cow's group's performance was like sai (wells.. no offence) and they got a 10 lorhs. next time ni and i are gonna rap the whole school down arhs!
after school it was the screening of joy luck club and i reckon that movie a marvellous one. the chronicles of the 4 women were so tragic and they all experienced either unsuccessful or rough-sailing marraiges. )= and i feel like borrowing the book from the library tomorrow, going with ah ni i suppose(: the scenes are still burning in my mind.
and here comes the exasperating part:
PROJECT SUPERSTAR IS PREJUDICED AGAINST THE HANDICAPS IN OUR SOCIETY!! eurgh. the judges really gross me out. how can they be so baised and lie through their teeth? fcuk them larhs. weilian sang "heaven knows" so well and yet they were picking on him and every judge was doing a repetition of whatever the first judge says. HYPOCRITES! tho i root for junyang, i seriously dint think his performance was THAT ideal tonight and he even broke the record
TWICE OKAYS!? 43 AND 44.5! to the hell with all their crap. junyang's rendition of tonghua lulled me to sleep larhs. gosh and there's no bao fa li in his singing and he actually scored an unbelievable 44.5!? whatever. to sum it all -- the real world is cruel and realistic. sighx
it's nearing one in the morning. i shall say goodnight to this sleeping world.
hand me a blade.i would like to know the feeling of pain.blood.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
; 10:14 PM
Those little things we sometimes doseem to go unnoticedBut all the things I do for youyou don't just let pass byEach time I do a little for youI can tell from the startYou know that all I do for youcomes from within my heart.I enjoy giving to you becausewith each little thing I do, you smileAnd that says more than any wordsyour smile lasts me for miles.So as long as I am ableI will always make you smileby giving such a littlebut making it last a while.Know you are so specialIn each and every wayI don't know where I would bewithout you here with me today.手机号码还在随时都开; 为了你不能改
; 7:59 PM
this is my 100th post(:
sho slow ehs?
nothing major today larhs. basically we just got back our compre and i wanna kill myself. someone flush me down the toilet? smash my head against the wall or something. eurgh i failed by one marks okays? but i hope she's giving me back my one mark from the vocab section =/ so that i can PASS. now i really can affirm myself that i DO have this big silly idiotic problem and it occurs only during exams. and that is i have a fear of penning down uncertain answers (AND IT ALWAYS TURN OUT TO BE THE CORRECT ANSWER!! -CIRES-) and it happened for both english compre and emaths CA. whatever larhs. im gonna brush up my english now since i no longer have anyone to turn to. ENGLISH SUCKS. why can't they make the whole paper a math and science one? hmms.. maybe not bio hahas(:
ohs and according to ah ni i'm diagnosed with mental disorder. HAHAS.. dunno why today i turned uber hyper!! i was spastic the whole day :DD and i was abusing jingchun like how i did for the past years. i cupped her face and started pinching her face, shook her furiously, strangled her and so forth. POOR GIRL! mwhahahhahas -evil smile- the farnieh thing was, after all those abrupt torture she still have the energy to laugh and splutter to me that she actually felt as though she'd went for a roller coaster ride! hehs(: me ish that violent :D
not forgetting that i kept disturbing ah ni. i was having sudden outburst of gibberish HAHAHS. yeash and i tried strangling her and hurling the same abuse as jingchun's at her(: bleagh and she claims that by using her magical pinkpen to hit my head, i'll recover but only for a period of time BLEAGHBLEAGH. like real arhs but i still play along with her((: poot lehs.
went PP to lunch with joz and cow. man i really missed the arcade. I MISSH EUU MR ARCADE AND YEUR BAYBEHH TIME CRISIS!! eugrhs my hands were frigging itchy larhs )=
hahs.. and im a guai girl my mommy's in hongkong and i swept the floor on my own accord!!
; 12:08 AM
sheesh.. im so totally in love with
NAIMA!! just watched ANTM while studying chem. SHE HAS
.. and she resembles one of my primary school friend(: cool eh? but my friend was a malay =/

hahax dont you think this hair of hers look like the GATSBY advertisement? eerr..

this is sweet.. but no chio hair =/

aaahh.. and she's
AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL SEASON 4!! HIPPEE HIPPEE!!! :DD tonight can dream sweet dreams le..
Monday, August 15, 2005
; 6:39 PM
when I think of you.. i feel the rain stop pouring
as the clouds disperse in the sun
when I think of you.. as i can only think of you
i feel lost like a little childi feel like changing my layout. should i? hmmms.
studying like some slacker now. i can't even concentrate! =/ gonna mug late into the night alreadys cos i haven't read through chem and my tingxie tomorrow. bleagh. anyways we got back our emaths paper and hahas and i thought that that mr ng reminded me of someone. hmms and jules hit it right on the nail. it was WEILIAN! hahas.. a fatter and shorter version or weilian(: and and and he looks like a retarded rabbit. hahas.. especially when he was glaring at panda cos she was browsing through her papers. damn haoxiao!! i was kinda shocked at my marks. and im even more shocked at JC's. man that girl SHE'S CATCHING UP WITH ME FOR EVERYTHING! i think she scored the highest in the class with a 36, anyone who's higher than her? hmms. anyways jingchun won me by 1 mark)=
jozette is so blardy lucky today larhs. hehs. i suppose it's the pomelo-leaves bath is taking effect(: she pulled through her pull-ups and scored a 30.5 for emaths. gongxi gongxi. she can just join the next star search larhs! wo men ting ni!! lolx. yeah and she treated me recess cos i trained her on sat(: thankews! hahas.. sho kind arhs?
went to lunch with julie, jozette and 3/1 amanda at the kopitiam opposite our school. had many laughs sia((: i think we started on this topic on jozette's niece i think. yeahs and we side-tracked to dunno some funeral story and paper houses with holes in it and your ancestors will enter your dreams and say, " hoi.. go and burn another paper house for me arhs! the previous one that you burnt has a hole in it and it's been leaking!!!" HAHAHAHS =/ oops. -touches wood- shan't make a fool out of this(: aaahh.. and also bout milk vomits that flows out of your nose =X i was laughing real hard :DD
kiex shall return to bio((:
Sunday, August 14, 2005
; 4:16 PM
maybe i should blog abit. hmms. shit the brochure task is driving me up the wall. i dont feel like doing it )= i guess my body's lazy. too lazy for this kinda unnecessary shtuff. hehs(:
fridayTHAT. WAS. A. HORRIBLE. DAY. eurgh i got myself two bookings that day. the first booking was ridiculous larhs. i was sho suay( jozette, you're not the only person who's so suay can? ) i was intending to return to class after recess when khookhoo-head caught me. i wasn't wearing my nametag and badge. damn it larhs then i took them out from my pocket and put them on and it was then she spotted my LONG nails. bleagh. yeah how dumb, i got booked for that. she forced me to go to the general room to cut my nails with this OLD RUSTY nail clippers. sheesh.. i wonder if there were any worm eggs in there =
after school we went for that shtupid useless NE journey to marina south was it? anyways it was a complete waste of everyone's time. the rubbishers were walking together aimlessly larhs and we chanced upon superbowl. so yeahs, should know what we planned to do(: we went in to bowl after much comtemplation. hehs. we were happily choosing balls when that frigging twitch came in for a apotcheck. he saw us larhs duh and took many pictures of us with his camera. shots of us hiding behind one another's asses like some criminal or illegal immigrants. phuck larhs. he was wearing this evil smirk on his face larhs like some sadist shooting pictures. anyways he left and we continued to bowl. malvina and yong came in a while. like wth. they dint do anything to us but then their presence exerted pressure on me. i couldn't enjoy myself at all THOUGH I STRIKED ONCE!! :DD joz 01 and i were a team and cow, fawn and ni in another. losers are suppose to treat =/ we lost.. BY 2 POINTS!! 197:199 )))= HAHAHS but after we bowled, we went to log out and joz, 01, cow, fawn and i went to the arcade while the rest went home. joz and i played house of the dead((: MAN THIS GAME IS SHO EXCITING CAN? I LOVE IT :DDD wanted to play more larhs but that mdm lee came and scared joz out of her pants, so we went home )=
saturdayjozette and amanda are supposed to come over for brochure shit and only jozette turned up(: kinda amazed at how serious she can be when it comes to serious work. HAHAS.. anyways after much crapping for 3 hours, we only managed to do the front cover =/ then i trained her push ups. damn shit larhs can? we ended up laughing like siao dogs. went PP for dinner and ate at pastamania :D it's been vehh vehh vehh long since i've been there. yeah.. veh long. i ate chicken bolognese(: went arcade later on. OPH MY GOSH I SIMPLY LOVE THAT PLACE LARHS!! games like time crisis, virtual cop, HOUSE OF THE DEAD, LOST WORLD are the best larhs! but then only got to play virtual cop, lost world only )= cos there was this pro hogging onto the time crisis machine larhs. but in the end we played this skark game. does anyone have any idea what i'm refering to? hmms.. it was super fun larhs :D bought earrings and YONG TAU FU (hahas.. "where's the yong tau fu??" ) and fruity bar snacks(: HAHS.. and i really think jozette's SUAY till cannot say. she kept dropping things. first it was all the game coins then it was her handphone. that was scary larhs.. HAHAHS her phone was naked suddenly((:
tsk.. i suggested that she should convert to a vegetarian for a couple of days and accumulate karma like ni the other time HAHS.. now joz sound like a nun =/ anyways.. JIAYOU GANBATTE JOZETTE WONG!! YOU CAN DO IT FOR PULL-UPS!! WO MEN YONG YUAN ZHI CHI NI!! mwhahahahs(((:
Every now and then,
some little thing I've buried comes bubblin' up
I miss you a little since you've been gone
A few little memories keep hangin' on
Thursday, August 11, 2005
; 9:51 PM
gentle reminder: watch inuyasha at 11pm and the results show at 11:30pm((:
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
; 9:48 PM
aaaahh!! i've just watched project superstar AND I'M SHOOO TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH DERRICK!! HE RAWKS HE RAWKS HE TOTALLY RAWKS MY SOCKS!! =\ ahhahahs.. i'm going bonkers indeed. oooh and he sang this song 最深爱的人 (the one i love the most) geesh and it was FRIGGING TOUCHING LARHS. i almost cried on the spot cos it reminded me of my slash fic that i gave up on (again.. mwhhahas). such a touching and meaningful song. argh but the shtupid judges just dint know how to comment larhs. what the hell.. they said he was fierce and all. PHUI!! =X
hahas.. and there's another thing that i have to mention and that is the ahdu's song 他一定很爱你 cos there's this portion of the lyrics that's so hyterical larhs. here it goes:
我应该在车底 不应该在车里
(i should be
UNDER THE CAR, shouldn't be
IN the car)
HAHAHS.. it makes no sense at all!! jozette was also laughing at that :DDDDD
ooohs and another thing, i'm being converted to an
INUYASHA junkie!! wheeeee.. iloveinu!!! okays.. all thanks to that influence from my brother and ah ni as well as jozzie =\ dunno to thank them or what. HEHS((: hmms.. oh yeah and tomorrow we're going to this carnival cum total defence thingyee and the school is sho damn giam-siap larhs only wanna provide transport there and not back. heck larhs aiyooooh.. but well, the inuyasha gang is going together!! -.- hahas.. ooh and i'm forcing xinni to bring her bubble thingyee tomorrow so i can blow them in the bus. does it ring any bell huhs?? those plasstic bubble that you blow from a tube and some goo like substance?? we'll see tomorrow anyways(:
oh wells.. off to catch INUYASHA!!
eurgh.. and there's something wrong with my damn mouse larhs!! SHIT
我们生活点滴 你是我最深爱的女人你有最美丽的嘴唇
; 5:49 PM
it took me hours i realised =X i'm waiting for jozette to send me her task so i can print for her. what a good soul eh? it's been quite a while since i blogged. hmms ohhh I'M CURRENTLY ADDICTED TO ANOTHER CHEENAPOK SONG BY 动静乐团 (dong jing yue tuan) AND IT'S CALLED 相信未来 (xiang xing wei lai) WHHHHAAAA!!! hahahs.. they still can't fight with FIR or WUYUETIAN larhs but this song is nice(: dunno if anyone has heard it from their advertisement before 'nots.
i accompanied my grandmother to the hospital for some eye checkup thing. it was originally taken care of by my mom and then she forgot. sooo.. i have to be shaken up early in the morning by my grandmother and told that im suppose to bring her to GH for that checkup. i was like "HUH!? HUH?! HUH!?" sheesh larhs.. it had to disrupt my nicely scheduled day. i wanted to dedicate this whole day to doing lit one lehs =
EURGH alright.. baidu is making my blood boil larhs. I CAN'T PLAY CERTAIN SONGS NO MATTER HOW MANY FRIGGING TIMES I TRY bleaghs. what's wrong with all the SHE songs?
hmmms yesterday's national day parade was alrighty i think. but i luuuurbe the fireworks!! they're sho sweet and fabulous nehx!! for weeks, they've been displaying the fireworks as part of the rehearsal and i'm sho lucky to have an unobstructed view of the fireworks(((: THANKEW MOMMY!
monday was kinda fun(: after the national day celebrations joz, xinni and amanda from 3/1 and me went kboxing!! hahas.. been quite a long time since i sang huhs? HAHHAS and all i can remember was joz kept ejecting xinni's SHE songs HAHAHAHAAS((: cos xinni selected a whole page of SHE songs! and amanda claims that xinni sounded like both hebe and selina and i sounded like ELLA hehs(: -blushes-
oh and i think that buddy of julie shocked me abit on monday. she requested for a group photo i suppose hahas. and i think no one replied her -oops- cos joz and i were busy penning a note for her. as for the rest.. wobuzhidao. then she came to me and hooked onto my right arm and asked me to take a pic with her. i was kinda shocked larhs but act enthu abit. then later we had this group photo and i was standing on her left. HAHAS guess what she actually wrapped her hand around my waist! eeeeeh.. i thought cheena kias are suppose to be conservative? hmmms.. but i did feel uber uncomfortable then HEHS
oh wells.. guess i've blogged enough. shall wash up then eat!! wheeee here i come WO DE MEI REN YUUUUU!!!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
; 7:40 PM
sighx. maybe i've been reading into things too much lately.
i can't help but feel helpless. i don't wanna feel this way )'=
i'm feeling SELFISH and jealous again.
As you wear me in
you wear me out
and as I get drunk
I scream out loud
Where are you my love?
my shadow's alone
it keeps burning letters
starts loosing control...
and then I fell asleep
and i float inside of you
and it's just another dream
but it's never true
and as i walked to nowhere
i swam in depression
i really loved you
this is my last stupid confession
and as i faint inside my soul
i feel i'm getting cold
wake me, say it
say you'll stay here
and then i wake in a nightmare
i'm lost in my sleep
and i'm on my own
and i do have fear...
Thursday, August 04, 2005
; 6:18 PM
"星语心愿" -- cecilia cheung (newly added in my playlist, track 20)我要控制我自己
; 5:02 PM
napfa = torture =
yeah.. i think i scored an 'A' this year again!! WHOOTS.. shall score another 'A' next year(: hehs.. i'm sho relieved that i built up my stamina over the past 3 years. i can still remember that shtupid lickle fat ass, the primary school me, who's forever scoring a silver or bronze.. never a GOLD. wth.
today was FUN. hahas((: our first station was pull-ups, shiit i did so much worse than the tryouts ))= and considering incline is one of my forte. i did 14 today while i did 19 the other day. i wanted to reach a frigging 20!! booo.. cow did 23 larhs. oh fine sulkface, i shall buck up next year. i think the funniest stations were the SB jump and the shuttle run. HAHAHS i was laughing so much i tears could fall! cow was refering linyi to a bamboo dancer when she was running and it made linyi burst into pearls of laughter larhs. MAN i toally looove my shuttle run<33 hehs.. then linyi took revenge by saying that cow looked like the airpork mascot when she ran HAHS but practically i dont think beef heard that. =\ mrs kong was the station master for sit-ups and she sucked big time sia. fawn and i were imitating the way she spoke "reeadiiiiie?" and "thiis iis nooott countedd! sheeeee diden't puuut herr ffffingersss behind herrr eeeearsssss!!!" wheeets.. can you imagine her saying this in that signature high-pitched voice of hers? eeeeeeww =X
then it was SB jump. fawn jumped first and her black panties revealed itself larhs. HAHAS but that wasn't the funniest. cow was jumping after me, i think and her first jump was hilarious enough le larhs cos she fell backwards then later when she took her third jump, her tee-shirt folded up and we saw her OFF-WHITE undies!! mwhahahahahas.. evil me nehx(: ms yong was super nice larhs. she allowed us to retake our sit and reach when i just improved by 1 cm! hehs.. :+: h0rNiiEe y0oNg rAwKx tiilL $h3e dR0pzX :+:
hmmms it rained veh heavily today, since morning till after school. i was freezing like some kinda chicken during chinese larhs and i couldn't write properly. shutpid sia.. julie's buddy from qiqihar came today. tsk and she did titration and that bio prac with me(: eeeyer cheat my feelings one that ms yong say dunno what we're gonna make some algae balls then in the end we did some gay experiment thing bout hydrillas =\ that lang yue (julie's buddy) was sho sweet hehs.. she gave me this earring by the brand of "xiao mi feng (little bee)" hahas.. but it's the sincerity that counts right? ((:
im feeling so lethargic now and im glad there isn't any CAs tomorrow. then i can read some papers (cos my english SUCKS and there's no one to help me) and sleep early. zzzZZZ
Monday, August 01, 2005
; 10:43 PM
save mefrom this sadness it's comingor take mebefore my smile it's dissolvingwake mefrom this nightmare i'm enteringdon't let me fall into the corners of my ownas a tear comes from insidei feel like i'm gonna drownand as i'm searching for something to occupy my mind againi laydown on my bedbut then a picture of my soul shows methere's no way insteadtouch memake me feel i'm aliveor forget memaybe i'll die with timelove meall i need is a hugembrace mecos times are going too roughand as i think i'm lost nowherei find where i am all aloneand as i'm desperating slowly just lookingat my night without starsi praythat someone could callbut then a picture of my owntells me i'm made to falland it's a picture of my owna picture of my ownthat's making me feel this wayand i'm so sorry babeit's all so silent hereup here.sighx.