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is proud to have been a tkgian & tjcian :D:D
i❤my shitzx to bitzx too!
mix the words up.

Designer Basecodes

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hear tis' sweet-nothings

"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
; 8:49 PM

it's already the last day of the term. is there any particular emotion that i should be feeling?

ecks.. just realised that i haven't been blogging for A WEEK. hahas cos of my naggy mom, she keeps shoo-ing me to sleep every night when it's still so early and i always end up quarreling with her. whatever larhs. lessons were fun for the past few days((: cos every period seems to be daitee/ bridge/ blackjack/ heart attack. CARD GAMES!! :DDD and i finally learnt how to play daitee(: and bridge.

eurgh and i can't believe i actually survived through that financial lecture thingye. 3HRS OF IT!! it was all chiasie's ( the emperor ) fault. i was still sleeping peacefully when she called me on monday morning. so sai can? hahas but she sounded like some anxious chicken over the phone larhs -quack-. anyways bear, ni and i played hangman during financial lessons. THAT WHOLE FRIGGING TALK WAS SO BORING LARHS! WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. ( the best way to save money is to get a refund, i would rather spend that money on macs breakfast ) that woman's name is KIT CHAN. like ohmyfrigginggod!? hhahas i was giggling like some sai when cow highlighted her name to me =X eeyer and her makeup is a total turn off, her foundation was so thick i reckon her face'll crack like an egg if she opens her mouth any bigger. i swear, and she applied an abundance of rouge sia.. made her look like some monkey backside liddat. aiyah basically she's just some woman that walked out from the 70's. hehs

today was kinda fun. chiasie, jule, cow, joz and i came up with this silly palace family. HAHAHAS :DDDD i'm chiasie's wife, which makes me the empress(: joooozette is my favourite palace maid, caihong and she'll be promoted to mo mo when she's older. acks.. jule's the eununch( san bao zi ) and cow's the concubine. hahas and she has an angmoh name!! phyllis cow ( fei li niu pai ) tsktsk.. there're more characters yet to be revealed(:
we dint do much during cleanup cos we're laughing like some chickens at one corner of the class. chiasie and i couldn't laugh hard cos our pee's gonna leak alr!! eurgh.

whatever. those chickens/ hoppers ( hop hop hop.. RAWRRR ) should be slaughtered, SHOO go away larhs, no one wants them here. think we better do something bout this. hmm..

AAAHH.. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT NEW LIM'S CHANGING OUR CLASS NAMES FROM NUMBERS TO FLOWER NAMES!? -faints- and we're called 4 GARDENIA!? hahas.. we're the gardenians =/ people whose pastimes are eating gardenia bread. oh wells. IT SOUNDS SO WRONG LARHS FOR A SECONDARY SCHOOL CLASS. lemme see.. i've been in a primary school with flower names as their class names.

4 Aloe Vera/ Allamanda - aloe verians/ allamanda-ers (?)
4 Bougainvillea/ Bauhinia - bougainvilleans/ bauhinians
4 Chrysanthemum - chrysanthemians (?) [ hahas we think that their class song can be that funeral song =/ ]
4 Daisy/ Dandelion - dandelioners (?)
4 Eggplant (?) [ oh my god this sound so wrrrong!! ]
4 Frangipani - frangipanians
4 GARDENIA - GARDENIANS [ hahas.. we LOOOOOVE gardenia bread(: ]
4 Hibiscus - ( how would you say this? hmm hibiscus-ers? shuddup sam )
4 Ixora - ixorians

hahas.. this is interesting. but i would really prefer NUMBERS! bleagh.. i can only describe mrs loke's farewell as STUFFY and kinda lame =/ i was sweating like a pig the minute i stepped into the hall sia. went to jiakpeng with jule and my 'husband' and we met caihong and amanda(: hahas.. we jiak-ed ba chor mee and played 2 rounds of daitee and bridge. geesh.. lucky it was quiet and deserted over there.. unlike yesterday when we're at the wanton mee stall. there was this construction worker who kept mumbling to amanda that her cards were nice ( for daitee ) yuck.. initially we thought he was alone but when we turned around, we saw like one whole table of his same kind! wah shit.. HAHAS shan't say so much alr -cough- too much unwanted attention has been given to our blogs. hehs

oooh.. i'm in love AGAIN with "because you live"!!

now all that's left of me
is what I pretend to be
so together
but so broken up inside

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
; 9:24 PM

checking of scripts was one word - sucky. i did well for chem and im satisfied but my amaths was veh disastrous and, to be honest, abit shocked too. HAHAS bear was saying i made history cos i failed amaths. nurse loy was blind. pure blind. supposedly she was venting her anger on my paper or sth, she kept drawing crosses on my script. BIG and small(: HAHAS and the most embarrassing funniest thing was that lui printed out one of my pages and flashed it to the whole cohort as one of the messiest samples. like what the hell.. hahs just because i scribbled HUGE workings on the script itself ( in pencil ). HAHAHAHS i can't believe that i dint recognise my handwriting. i was like : NO NO.. NOT MY PAPER LARHS DON'T BE CRAZY..

ooohh.. i cannot tahan already(: DANGOU!!!!!!!!! but ironically chiasie, juciy and i are paying more attention to ziqian now :DD ooh.. he's becoming so manly =/ where's DANGOU!? i want him back.. my aunt's gone nuts, she actually bought the first 2 sets of the idol drama and PREORDERED the last one. but I STILL <33333 HER TO BITS! hahahs.. and chiasie, juicy and i just completed our dosage of QWBWZ this afternoon :DDDD some scenes were hilarious sia!! tsk, it actually broke the record set by meteor garden by achieving the highest viewership for idol dramas :DDDDDDD

even emptiness has its own weight

Monday, October 17, 2005
; 9:48 PM

woke up late again. oops, hahas cos i've been staying up late doing nothing =/ anyways the class reminded me of my p6 class. everyone (actually joz) whipped out her cards and people were taking turns to play dai ti. hehs and the good lickle me don't know how to play. SUPRISE SUPRISE? diao''

got back our SS and english results today and wham, i'm kinda satisfied with my results alr cos i really truly expected a fail for both :D

ooooh how much i love that "cheenapok game" that i came up with(: HAHAS got chiasie addicted to it and that pathetic joz keep "FISH-ING" every single song lyrics we read out. oh smack myself, i actually ruined an alternative that joz could use. i actually blurted out ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING before she could think of it. oh smack myself sam :DD OHMIGOSH, CHIASIE, JULE AND ME ACTUALLY FOUND OURSELVES ANOTHER DANGOU FAN!! mwhahas and she's mel loy!! tsktsk.. we're googooing over his pictures in xinyun's play magazine but she's so evil.. dint allow me to snap some pics of my dangou! neither did she allowed chiasie and i to listen to junyang's guardian angel ))=

lala.. it's another holiday tomorrow and we'll be getting back chem and amaths on wed. i hope i won't score verrry badly for these two papers ( PLEASE!! ) i dunt wanna let myself, as well as pam/mashi maro down. -gulps-

if you believe in everlasting love it will come true<33

oooh and i painted my nails again((: HAHAS been feeling 'hiao' at the moment and i like this bronze nail polish. shiny shiny de. yesh and i'm going out tmr to make my IC. geesh i just dont wanna stay at home cos i don't know what to do.

people change. i do. we do.

Sunday, October 16, 2005
; 9:58 PM


i just screwed up most of my papers seriously, english was greek to me, i din't do the b-part of the SBQ for SS cos i only read through tamil tigers, i've never written essays so short for bio before; i studied 3 out of the 10 chaps that are tested, paper B of emaths was such a killer and i shant continue. COS TMR'S THE DOOMSDAY FOR ME!! ))=

i'm kinda lazy to type every single thing out =/ but after geog paper, jules ni and i went kboxing at cine AND IT WAS ONLY THE THREE OF US. been such a long time since we went kboxing together just liddat(: the last time was a year ago.. WHOOTS time flies eh? walked around and window-shopped and we met soooo many tkgians along the way. we saw yingqi and her friend, kendra and her classmates, my junior, panda, fawn and linyi!! hahas :D eugrh and we me that 'study-hard' guy =/ and no one told me he was the siao lang!? bleagh.
julie and i making farnieh faces :D and i forgot to turn on nightmode =/

at heeren(: ooh look at those spare tyres

yeap.. then thurs went over to ni's house and had fun!! hahas..brought my mice along and i finally got to see braydon. HE'S SUCH A MUACHI LARHS hahas.. he shats whenever julie carries him :DD oh and ni got her hair snipped. kinda lame larhs, did all the imitating and all.

ni's first picture after her new haircut -snipsnap-

shh.. we're sleeping ( guess who's beside me? )

went out with PSP on friday. badminton first then skeleton key. bleagh the plot was sai and the ending wasn't good. phhuii!! I WANNA WATCH FLIGHTPLAN/ CELLO/ SKY HIGH/ THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE!! <333

hahas.. it's 12:11am now. few more hours to school and im still chatting online :DDDDD

how did we ever go this far?
you touch my hand and start the car
and for the first time in my life
i'm crying.
are we in space? do we belong
some place where no one calls it wrong
and like the stars we burn away.
the miles.