hear tis' sweet-nothings
"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
second day of june holidays.; 9:21 PM
it's the second day of june holidays and bio spa. eck, what a bad start.. i woke up at 7:35am in the morning. LATE! i was supposed to be awake at 7am /: grr so i literally jerked myself out of bed cos i thought exams was 9:30am or 10am! lol i must have been dreaming.
haha and i slept at 12:10am
last night this morning after multi-tasking in front of the com for hours last night - chatting with eugene(mr.nine LOL!), jacjac, carian, xuewen& mr.wilson and regurgitating bio spa on microsoft words. hmm yes.
soooo i was in a flurry, trying to get my hair tied. packing my bag. revising bio whenever i can.
and THANKYOUVERYMUCH xuewen for giving me that SHOCKED face when you saw me with tied hair& I DON'T LOOK VERY WEIRD OK, just that you haven't seen it before. haha((: but honestly, this is really my first time tying my hair this way :O
but the main focus here is not the hair. hahas it's BIO SPAAAAAA.
GRRR i almost wanted to BURN the paper.. cos i mugged more on the GLUCOSE STANDARD and BROMOTHYMOL BLUE expts and the EVIL POTATO came out /: -dies.
but it's not that bad cos i remembered the experiment (:
wheeeee! EXAMS ARE OVER!!
(like real -.-)bio make up lecture was crap. practically don't comprehend a single bit. whatever that she's rattling about - control genes, introns/exons, blahblah. see i can't even remember more important info ): dangdang, there goes my bio.....and after bio was CHEMISTRY with rachel and alex LOL(: the funniest thing that happened today was during lunch, when alex and i were catching up while rachel went to buy her toa payoh rojak. some channel 8 people came over to our secluded table and requested that we help them eat the curry puffs that they brought over. err and they're gonna film us eating? like so stranggeeee.so we just ate them. ok half of them and we dumped the remaining puffs HAHA(: not that the curry puffs didn't taste nice, but we're too bloated to stuff anymore things into our teeny weeny (ok maybe mine only, alex's is HUGGGGE) stomachs ): and i felt damn gelat after eating them. so oilyyy yucks /: unglammmm sia, with crumbs on your mouths and praising between mouthfuls..
so we took a bus down to rach's house. awww rachel, TRUFFLES IS DAMMMN CUTEE :DD she's such a chio saugsage dog HAHA! and your house is seriously becoming a mini zoo, with dogs, parrots and birds. thanks for the nicenice addictive grape biscuits and durian puffs! i thought they were custard puffs -.- omg.
WHEEE and thanks shithead alex! you've helped me looooads with that irksome OC. haha lol(:
i don't know why chemistry just seems so much easier with you around. eh why not you follow me to jct then i can score 100% for chemistry and you can be proud of me! HEH algaeeee boy. AND DON'T YOU DARE FORGET OUR APPOINTMENT NEXT WEEK! if you don't hurry arrange you're so not gonna get our treats(: oops and i forgot to pay for your fishy meal today MWHAHAS(: AND YOU SO OWE ME MY HK PEANUT BUTTER TOAST!! DON'T THINK THAT I FORGOT ALREADY! :D
maybe out of sight, out of mind.
but i'm still searching for the last hope.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
i'm still living in my fantasy.; 6:14 PM
it's a sunday but it feels like saturday to me.
-groans. i still have to attend math makeup lecture tmr early in the morning /:
i so don't want to sia. i wanna sleep innnnn!! fine i shall not lament so much since almost the whole J1 cohort will be with me tmr morning. heh.
RAHH tuesday ain't gonna be a pleasant day either. IT'S A LEVEL BIO SPA& 2HRS OF MAKEUP LECTURE!! shit, this translate to dedicating 3 1/2 hours to bio and half the time spent on DNA genome which is alien to me. dang.
yesterday was kind of fun. the touch rug team went down to yio chu kang for a match. haha we camwhored alot in the before and after the matches. hmm each team played a total of 6 games and my team didn't win any /: but it's ok at least we scored some tries a few times. don't be disheartened, there's still next time and haha our opponents were fast& pro sia. lol(: most importantly I FELL FOR THE FIRST TIME PLAYING TOUCH! LOL :D and it happened when i scored. AND I GOT A TAN!! NICE TAN! ok not on my forehead where the fringe lies and i got burnt on the shoulders. wheeee :D
back to sunday..
i'm trying to mug for bio spa. TRYING. and i could only start mugging seriously like now? in the late afternoon?
i was practically eating the whole house down in the morning. eating whatever that comes into my way. and there goes my hard work to shake of those cellulites yesterday /: OMG. haha so i shall start my mugging cum slimming regime real soon, maybe week 2? lol.
ZOMG, the CC is holding this belated mothers' day celebration downstairs now and my neighbours are singing cheena oldies errr ahem in an off tune fashion. AWFUL /:
withdrawal symptoms was better than friday's. much better. at least emo monster wasn't bugging me the whole day heh.
Friday, May 25, 2007
severe withdrawal symptoms.; 3:41 PM
oh no. it's just now that the truth is too strong for me to ignore.
but i'll choose to deny it, though i know it stings.
last day of term 3. last day of sports carnival. last day of titans. last day to have everyone's company.
last day to see you.
another day of free tan, lol! (: ok sports carnival and titans ended officially today. kinda had fun during the inter-cg games like tug of war and captain's ball. tug was fun! though i burnt my fingers haha(: captain's ball was kind of sucky though cos we didn't score anything.
as for titans.. gamma's last this year and delta's first. lol like what kengmun said "it's time that delta wins something." HAHA. but though we lost this year i still think gamma put up a good fight and the gamma titans never gave up on gamma. (: way to go people. there's still next year and yiling and i have promised each other to join next year LOL. we almost joined this year heh.
putting aside our loss of the overall house championship, we managed to clinch individual titles and achievements like small eugene was no.9 for overall men's individual events, vincent was no.5 and this female basketballer was one of the top 10 for the female catergory.
last but not least, eepin was crowned mr.titans 2007!! :DD HOW SHOCKING& SUPRISING HAHA. i thought my ears were playing tricks on me haha cos i was already expecting weixiong from delta to be mr.titans /: i guess it hit everyone as a suprise too, including himself?
hmm.. but frankly speaking i think he deserves the title after witnessing how hard he trained and pushed himself throughout titans
soo.. congrats to all who won something for titans! you guys rockkk :D
. 2 simple words and a genuine grin was the best that could happen.and so it was time for everyone to leave. and everyone left although i couldn't bear to leave.
oh please tell me the next time we're gonna meet each other will not be term 3. june holidays will really be a bore without the people in school. sighhhhhh )):
guitar concert's excellent, well.. er better than VJ's? hmmm haha(:
don't worry charmaine you played well and ivan was cute on stage even though he fumbled(: haha.
hmm well xuewen i had a great time bitching to you about the saga, jamie as well as vroomvroom(x
i can't help but wonder if this was a dream
come true for me, like totally. these few days were too good to be true.
thank you god, for answering my prayers.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
it's the way you make me feel <3; 6:35 PM
ooh i'm so still in love with this song. 6 years ago, now...it's the things that you doso physical
it's the things that you say
so flammable.you know i can't resistboy it's such a shamedo you belong to another?i don't wanna hurt nobodybut my heart just can't hold back.it's the way you make me feel (the way that you make me feel)spinning my world aroundtell me how can i walk awayi don't care what they sayi'm loving you anyway,it's the way you make me feeli'm gonna make you mine
it's not impossible.
got to let you know
i'm irresistable.
baby can't you seeyou're the one for mebut you belong to another.i don't wanna hurt nobodybut my heart just can't hold backit's the way you make me feel (the way that you make me feel)spinning my world aroundtell me how can i walk awayi don't care what they sayi'm loving you anywayit's the way you make me feel.when you look into my eyeseverytime you smile at meoh i go weak insidebaby i just can't hide my love- steps.
sports carnival; 11:52 AM
hmm i'm sitting at the sports com now.
TITANS is going on at the basketball courts and im here slacking with xuewen and angel lol /: xuewen's eating ice cream AGAIN. yes AGAIN. angel's dying from heat stroke.
sigh. didnt cheer much for gamma today and we're not performing very ideally. BUT THERE'S STILL ONE MORE DAY LEFT! SO GAMMA DON'T GIVE UP AND FIGHT TILL THE END! :DD gamma will always be the strongest physically and mentally(:
crazy girls do crazy song dedications. hahhas. we dedicated songs to gamma, 03/07 (as well as charmaine and THE van) HEH(: but then i dont' know what happened to the dedication, the song was supposed to be because you live but ryan and ming ended playing because of you /: wth lol(:
oh xuewen i noe you're pissed with me cos im typing so slowly on your lappie. HAHA but i dont care if i type slower than your HIM hehe. cos my nice long fingers are too hot for your keyboard to handle :D
darnnnn this is a gayyyyyy entry. inter-pdp competitions now and it's bball v.s volleyball.
heck volleyballs for a moment. i'll get you sotong balls.
sheeeeesh i've training later and i dont feel like going ): the sun is shining so blardy brightly now. gosh i think im gonna get heatstroke sia. i shouldnt have came to school today. but cos of titans and my friends participating in there.
YOU GUYS HANG IN THERE OK? THERE'S STILL 1 MORE DAY LEFT! joshua, the eugenes both big and small(: eeps!
hahaha :D
ok i shall shuddup now and try to give gamma my moral support(:
wheeeeee :D
sports carnival is such a waste of time
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
TITANS! :D; 11:53 PM
arrrgh. i'm supposed to be COMPLETING MY GEOGRAPHY ESSAY NOW!
but chatting online and downloading songs seem to appeal to me more than geog. hahas(:
haha there's nothing for me to be happy about cos i'm no involved in it.
but today was an eventful day for me! (:
omg mrs.lam just embarrassed me in front of the whole LT today lah.
i was going to be late for SC investiture already since angelina, brina and charmaine were already waiting outside the audi so i went up to her for the permission to leave.
i was polite enough to ask her when she was playing a video so i d0n't interupt the lesson.
AND THEN SHE TOLD ME TO RETURN TO MY SEAT FIRST SINCE IT'S NOT 10:30AM YET (according to her watch lah). OMG it was darn embarrassing ok. i just felt like doing sth violent at that instant. lol. BUT THE LT'S CLOCK SHOWED 10:28AM! like it's my fault huh.
and i rushed down to find that SC investiture hasn't started. ok but i met big eugene and company slacking under LT2 hahs(x
yeah and felix, michel and joshua, my so-called friends tried to push me into the fish pond /: 3 guys against 1 girl.. wth hahas(: but the gayest part was it had to happen in front of
vroom! i almost died after that lol /:
anyway SC investiture was pretty interesting. and can i say sth? I LOVE OUR SCHOOL'S AUDI(: hhahas. the speeches made by the presidents were heartwarming and the TASC's president lost it and cried. hmm i think cos this was the first and last batch of TASC. sad. oooh and the 30th SC danced! retarded but entertaining.
had CG lunch after SC investiture.
then after school yiling, xuewen, angelina and i camwhored. on the way to the library and in the library's toilet. lol(:

ok and this is just the tip of an iceberg.
after the library we went to the sports com to chat. and like what xuewen said, we practically moved to every corner of the sports com. lmao (:
but we did have a hell lot of fun right? yes we did.
i couldnt believe it that angelina's bball friend owned everyone else! followed by 2 other delta guy after a while. khairul was 3rd. nicholas was 4th. and the first gammanian to return was eepin. he's top 10 i think. lol! :D
so angelina, yao long and i went to play volleyball cum captain's ball cum soccer at the volleyball courts. and i had sooo much fun :D darn funny sia.
we returned to titans afterwards to support them for situps and squat thrusts.
OMG some of them were so hiong lah. like the eugenes, both big and small. they did 109 and 120 situps in 3mins :O
(small eugene eating during break. dots.)
and for a moment i thought situps were painful cos some were moaning and screaming during the last minute /: ouch. squat thrusts too.
and i had a song resounding in my head throughout titans. and that is "what hurts the most"
i feel good now. cos i offered to help lift the spotlights for gamma. hahas no big deal i know.
but angelina and i looked like we're models who carry briefcases in the show "deal or no deal" ROLF :D
aww sam's happy. cos we exchanged words. finally. though it's brief, but i'm contented. really (x
angel& i went for a stroll while waiting for yiling around the tracks. and i cried /: darn paiseh. it was just a sudden outburst, don't ask why. maybe it's the ambience, maybe it's regarding what we talked about just now.
so angelina left after titans to catch her "Mars v.s Venus" on ch8. pangseh-er sia haha.
while yiling and i went for dinner with some gammanians. he asked me to join them for dinner(x
today was fun but tiring. and i didn't expect myself to stay for everything.
well but i really do wanna cheer gamma on
& thanks for all the thankyou's ..
what i did was negligible. serious (: but i appreciate them.
since mambo.
you make me feel; 12:39 AM
1. take 3 times* a day.
2. relax and stay composed and calm throughout.
3. hyperventilate all you want later. haha(x
*number of consumptions may vary depending on individual's luck.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
the wider smile :D; 12:03 PM
it's MONDAY. gawwd.. spells the beginning of WEEK TEN.
monday blues again and it got even bluer due to double GP period first thing in the morning.
rain. rain. rain. everytime rain. lol /:
seems like it always rains on monday morning. why huh. hmm haha(:
we got back our GP compre and i scored 24.5 over 50. lol how tyco. HAHA(:
anyway the entire class failed.
failure. i think everyone'e immune to failing already. seeing "see me"s or failing marks doesn't seem to make me flinch anymore.
ok so i failed my bio SPA (skill A), math lecture test and bio lecture test in one day.
demoralising. and i need to do something about it. really.
i think our class has been pissing ms.jiang off since term 2 started.
by not completing and bringing tutorials and i admit i'm amongst those. hmm.
but i tried to change. i'm trying my best to complete her tutorials and catch up with her tuts.
and i'm starting to empathise with her.
why don't you just try and complete her tutorials and stop lamenting that you could have done better for the tests/ feel lost for that topic?
it all boils down to self discipline.
yes charmaine, i feel bad for ms.jiang too.
seeing her feeling so pissed today and not able to express her displeasure entirely just adds on to the guilt in me.
but i doubt the others took her seriously.
same goes for other tutorials.
however, i don't know why. i'm forever feeling demoralised for bio. like i can never pass a single test.
so now i'm clear that i've pocketed 2 fails in my JCT -- GP & Biology.
GAHHH and i'm not refering to anyone in particular here so, sorry if you feel offended.
went home with brina after waiting for her to complete her PW discussion.
how i envy them, although i know nothing's perfect.
anyway we walked past the sports com and we saw gamma training for titans!
HAHAHS :D lol there we saw both small and BIG eugenes(: emo pantat joshua and some others.
we met coco and she was so sweeet(: the nominees bought cakes for those who didn't make it to HC.
so brina and i waited for her (and the cake) at the netball court while watching gamma train(x
lol small eugene looked so 'sayy' when he commanded the "UP"s and "DOWN"s. joshua was just some zuo-boh's hanging around. HAHA(: skinny-bony-waxed-legged boy.
lmao. and the funniest thing was that brina and i kept saying we're gonna leave after eating the cake but we ended up gossiping with gernaine till 6:30pm(:
awww but so sad we've to leave. cos gamma's moving on to the tracks and aunty's locking the gates already. haha 3 women is all it takes to constitute a market. (:
i feel like hitting the sack now. it's 12:10am. geog essay still incomplete. i'm sorry but zzz monster's more important! so
when i see your smiletears roll down my face.sometimes i wonder..
if you really notice me
more than what i appear to be.
your hi-bye girl.
Monday, May 21, 2007
; 1:28 AM
i can't do geog. pathetic.
wth is with block& granular disintegration?
i can't seem to remember details bout them.
arrghh! which translates to me not being able to hand in my essay
bahhhh )):
ok went pp with my family when i should be mugging at home lol
and i didn't buy any clothes ): though GSS is on.
all i did was go to giant to purchase a whole lot of FRUITS.
hahas lol my aunt was pointing out shuai guys to us (:
whatever. they're all too young for you woman NEHNEH(:
.. and she pointed out a guy at old chang kee to my mom& i
whom i found out later that he's a tjcian lol! cos he was wearing the black soccer jersey.
so gayy and the funny thing was that i was ogling at they guy's jersey (not the looks)
but it was the other way round for my aunt. HEH(:
and another SUAY SUAY thing. i met eugene (from 03/07) outside giant lol!
with his dad and sister. haha i never thought it was him cos his hair was.. flat& not gel-ly!
HAHAHAHS :D and anyway, please stop making my msn hang evil pig!
it's 1:00 am now of Monday morning.
i've just completed 1(a) of my geog essay! like wth and i'm still chatting online
hahs. sigh.
i think i changed. for the better? worse? i don't noe.
but one thing's for sure. this change's been making me feel unhappy at times.
but i can't pin point the change exactly.
i guess it's the environment.
i'm no longer the sam last year.
part& parcel of growth? maybe.
they tell me people change. maybe.
i need to seek solace somewhere else.
somewhere only we know.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
i'm seriously CRAZEEEEE!; 10:37 PM
LOL i'm seriously CRAZY. too CRAZY. absolutely BONKERS!
i painted my nails black this afternoon. so weird and i realised i cut my nails 2 days ago, which means my painted nails don't look nice ): cos they're too short.
but i think i made the right choice to cut them hahas cos there were mud stuck all the way in my nails after touch.
hmm and beverly freaked me out by telling me about worm eggs in my fingernails if i don't wash them clean /: thanks bear.
saturday's such a boring day. nothing but chionging tutorials ):
i admit i DO have a sad life.
or rather i chose to lead a sad life. haha(:
sigh. i can't frigging do alkenes. i feel like constipating while doing it,
cos i keep getting stuck stuck stuck /: the "C"s and "H"s aren't helping much either.
so guess what i'm doing now?
hmmm. it's best not to say -.-
i made a cute discovery, RK (:
okkk hahs speaking alien language.
this is just a random post.
oh yes xuewen i agree that you're the only lonely person tagging my board.
hahahas((: FLOOD MORE THEN.
hope your pig trotters disappear on monday
"i shouldn't love you but i want to
i just can't turn away.
i shouldn't see you but i can't move
i can't look away.
and i don't know how to be fine when i'm not
cause i don't know how to make a feeling stop
just so you know
this feeling's taking control of me
and i can't help it
i won't sit around, i can't let him win now
thought you should know
i've tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
i just gotta say it all
before i go
just so you know.
it's getting hard to be around you
there's so much i can't say
do you want me to hide the feelings
and look the other way
and i don't know how to be fine when i'm not
cause i don't know how to make a feeling stop
this emptiness is killing me
and i'm wondering why i've waited so long
looking back i realise
it was always there but never spoken
i'm waiting here..
been waiting here."
- jesse mccartney
slap yourself sam!; 12:54 AM
booo. i just attended VJ's guitar ensemble concert and it's hmm.. meeting expectations. lol
but i do like the encore when yvonne's boyfriend sang You Raise Me Up with the ensemble. cooool his voice was niceee (:
HAWHAW but i really can't help it for this guy that sang Back In Black.
SINGING MUMBLING'S FAR WORSE THAN JAY CHOU'S!! omgg we've to strain our ears to listen to him but it was just futile.
and the audi was stuffy /: the airconditioning wasn't working i figured.
ok and you know what? VJ's performance had inspired me to take a look at our own TJ's concert :D i guess it should be good since there's charmaine(& THEvan) performing, hahas ((:
i was pissed in school today. so pissed.
just felt violent for a while.
just wanna shake everyone up and yell some sense into their faces.
or maybe i'm just too impatient. fine i shall see it this way
and wait.
LOL xuewen and i just made a wasted trip to the PE department today.
she wanted to hand in her MC and we hobbled& limped all the way there to find that the teachers were ALL out for some reasons. wth.
but i found the sports com inviting again. it was empty.
the sky was cloudy and there was still traces of rain in the air.
what a nice time to sit and have a nice chat again. if not, feel emo alone :D
hehe and before that we were having karaoke sessions in the toilet. lmao! ((:
i'm tired but i don't feel like sleeping COS IT'S FRIDAYYY! :DD
oooh and i'm browsing through friendster for my 2nd eyecandy (:
AND I'VE FOUND HIM. HAHAHAHAS (: omg he looks so kiddish in the past.
so time changes people, including their appearances.
lol that will do the trick (:
the time now is 1:13am
reminder: check the scope xD
Thursday, May 17, 2007
; 11:38 PM
oh mr.rain, why didn't you come abit later? so i wouldn't have to do PE.
lol i'm actually quite amazed by our class, that 20 people clocked 43 absents for PE for term 2(: because of this, the class recieved a scolding from one of the PE teachers. the long-hair-and-quite-chio lady.. yeah and half the time i was just stealing glances behind my shoulders(x and studying her expressions. lol no i'm not psycho please hahas.
so she made the class run 2.4km in the rain but then we(the girls) ran 1.6km instead HEH(:
then there was touch rug training.
as usual we were all crapping(: but it rained today so the ground was darn muddy.
hehe so we went about slapping people on their backs with our muddy hands (:
.. and su yee gave me a SUPRISE gift. yeah it's the transfer of her leg's mud onto my leg /:
i only have 3 words for training. DIRTY, MESSY but FUN!
we did switches, loops, fun-touch and 3 vs 2.
&; i saw plenty of
pretty thaangs (x
at the same time all the houses were training for titans.
sigh. school's been such a bore these days. everyone's falling sick.
everyon'e staying home. we should pon as 03/07 one day. yes we should. but when will this day come? hmm.
my swollen foot woman XUEWEN was so retarded today. hahahs she came to school for assembly and went home after that lol! /:
but her leg condition's quite bad. aww i pity her ):
tsk CE fangirl you better get your ass to school tmr or i'll TEAR YOUR FOOT APART! :D
sounds good.
this is funny. angelina carian yiling and i were giggling& laughing throughout math make-up tutorial at CR519. all i said was "aww so sad, we're seperated by a wall." and angelina started laughing /: then i added, "if only i had a grenade i'll bomb this wall down." and all of us erupted with laughter :DD lol. inside joke, HAHAHAHS(:
tsktskwinkwink. LOL :D
yiling too hahas but they're both different persons. lol(: so gayyy hahas it's nothing to be crazy about, kukuneh sia.
feels like i'm a puppet.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
lack of dosages. awww ):; 10:24 PM
my JCT schedule's out and it's nice, yet not nice /:
i like it cos the subjects are evenly spread out but dislike it cos JCT ends on friday for me, while the rest ends on thurs or even wed.
it's only week 9 of T2 and i'm already feeling the exam strains.
tell me is this normal or am i thinking too much? hmm.
i hope it's the latter lol /: omg i feel like screaming :O
chatting with rachel& alex teo-poh-seng online (while trying my best to draft out my AQ lol!) is amusing because more than half the time rach and i were just gushing about our ECs! :DD
hahahs when we're supposed to discuss about our consultation session(:
awww and i feel sorry for alex, the shithead cos he can't have an EC! because he's gonna get hacked if he has one(:
and out of jealousy, he left the convo LMAO!
hmm and i realised something, that ECs are mostly from a particular cca. OOH BIG DISCOVERY -.-
and back to today. my woman yiling didn't attend school for 2 days consecutively already. hmm hope she's gonna be well enough to come tmr.
HAHAHS recalling what happened at LT1 tickles me. i was there to look for my shoebag& soccer boots with angelina.
i was relieved at first to find a TJ shoebag at the front of the LT but luckily i checked it, because the contents of the bag turned out to be someone's t-shirt and shorts!? omg eww lah /: ah yes and i finally found my shoebag (with many shoeprints on it. GRRR)
hmm LOL and i left the LT rupturing with joy, literally (x
it's funny to me, the common thing between EC and to-be-EC?
hahaahaha i don't even know what's with the second one.
say goodnight to the world(:
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
mayfifteenth; 9:39 PM
i'm almost exhausted.
but it's not even mid-week ):
my eyelids weighed a thousand pounds while reading the GP compre lol /:
i❤rainy days (but when i'm indoors.)
counting the rain that i missed and caughtlessons were cold today& angelina and i were freezing during GP.
and apparently eugene joshua and mahdhir weren't HOT enough to keep us warm.
awww HAHA :D
training was fun with yilin (not yilinG haha!)around
i love watching her demo the moves. so fast. sleek. pro.
lol hahas had much fun with verena& cheryl(:
& it happened. this feeling that took form in me.
so alien. yet so familiar.
i'm baffled. i'm reluctant.
why didn't the remains burn away with time?
i'm gonna sweep this mess up again.
lock the ugliness in place.
but then again Truth told me that
the above is unachievable.
so i'll be good,
and live with it.
because this is me..
"你微笑 但是旁边的人不是我"
FIR ian
Monday, May 14, 2007
; 7:14 PM
it's monday.
monday blues.
just came back from school and i didn't make it into gamma's hc.
ohwells, it's kinda expected for my case. i accept it.
i'm ok though there's still a lingering disappointment
and too, congrats to those that got through :D
yiling; joshua; julie
tek kian; ashwim; jaren
meiyi; ge lin; annabelle
i shall now go bomb telecom and murder hotmail. LOL(:
.. for losing my mail and eating my sms.
anyway today's our first GP lesson without wilson around.
it's peck now. he seems ok? no eye-deer.
hahahs and i found a table in the container classroom that has this:

anyway there's loads to do now.
2. Geog DRP
3. DNA tutorials
4. Alkanes tutorials
5. Math tutorial 19
screwed blogger.; 6:35 PM
ARRGGHH blogger's been screwed for the past few days,
when i had the inspiration to blog the happenings down.
blogger can be such a bitch at times (:
since last friday, there's been loads to write.
now, i'll just let my fingers take control..
and friday was mr wilson's last day teaching in TJ.
aw man. it's gonna be damn sad. cos there won't be anymore slack GP lessons!
LOL :D anyway we drew him a t-shirt ( nice right? yeah cos i drew some parts of the shirt :] )
and he wrote us a message each. err according to him it's supposed to spell out sth
but we havent been trying to figure out HAHAS(:
anyway he looks retarded with that giant octopus!
yeah and he's gonna bring it to the cinemas to watch spiderman 3 with this boyfriend!
03/07's GP class.
err with songhon, suansian and anantha missing

Saturday, May 12, 2007
& i'll miss sleepovers.; 6:42 PM
hmm i can't remember much about what happened in the morning
i've to say that my afternoon was G-R-E-A-T with xuewen and angelina at the sports com.
just the three of us(:
three girls, gazillions of gossips.
gushings. heartfelt words.
dirty little secrets. heh((:
and then..
aww woman i love your home and not to forget, YOUR SOTONG BALLS! LOL
we dined at the airport again. eww and i hate my mee goreng.
i felt like eating kuehs from bengawan solo, soya milk from jollibean, sandwiches from i-don't-know-where
HAHA lol((:
and sparky was mischievous.. SO PLEASE STOP GOING FOR GIRL'S AHEM YOU TIKO-DOG!
hmm although there wasnt much done or said during this sleepover like what we planned beforehand
but we'll make it up through phonecalls k?
and woman ah, don't be sad bout what we discovered about matthew ok?
hmmm ohwells /: eyecandies are hard to fathom
so, we went to the library to mugggg on saturday morning.
to relive the moments we had last year when we had our intensive mugging sessions with xinni and julie.
awww. those bittersweet moments ):
and nothing's gonna be the same again,
because we can't turn back time.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
can't take my eyes off you; 9:38 PM
my little wish came true today.
though my prayers were not answered.
but it's ok.we lost, with glory and to me WE'LL ALWAYS BE NUMBER ONE! lol(:
tj v.s vj: 0-1
"相爱不需要理由, 离开也没有理由挽留"
angela zhang.