hear tis' sweet-nothings
"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
secret; 11:03 PM
} ;
这一季的秋天 飘落后才发现这幸福的碎片
( let's drift to lalaland, where make-belief tales come alive. )sigh.
swimming in sick lullubys; 10:25 PM
birthday pictures :D

sick. i'm falling sick ):
the migraines just won't go. wth. the panadols won't work.
ran 6rounds for training. that sums up to running 3.6km today.
wow :O
crapped a whole lot with xuewen during chem practical today lol(:
yea &it's been quite a while since the sub-conscious change in me.
NO!! and it's mr wilson's last day with us today ):
talked so much with him& we ended up doing AP &GP in the lib. HAHA!
it's time you start revising your maths dude(:
&sorry sam, i don't think you can keep your promise made
even though going on with you gone still upsets me.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
all was bittersweet.; 11:05 PM
ooook. this is an overdued post. aha taken place on
11th July 2007it's julie's seventeenth birthday! (as well as jingchun's departure for australia)
so. it was another hectic craazeeeee day for us :D
fawn and i went to PP after school to buy julie's fugly fake presents as well as her fake cake - a min jiang kuey cake and one of her real presents - the dummy from goong. LOL eh nice lo, don't complain.
rarr. we've to rush all these within an hour& that julie had to keep calling me. HAHA so i'd to bluff her that i was having some PW meeting HEH(:
sooo porn& i flew down to the hub to do some 'printing' (LMAO OMG!) but these 2 TAs were so irritating. keep hogging the com to print their trigo notes& they had to jam the printer /:
and they refused to let us print our one miserable picture first. ROARR!
and so we celebrated julie's birthday in the canteen. (yes with her minjiangkuey cake)
ohohoh! &i have to mention bout the trick candle that'll keep relighting! it freaked her out. HAWHAW. credits to boonwei(:
aww but so sad fawn &i didn't get to see anyone cos GP post mortem was going on ):
and then, we travelled to the airport to have SWENSONS to have SSS!
omg. the fries were chao ooilyyyyyy! ew.
ok so cow& i had to sneakysneakily arrange with the waitor to bring out the cake (with 10 over candles)
and SUPRISE! it was both fawn and julie's cake((:

&we could only blame ourselves for dily dally-ing. we only started racing down to terminal 1 from 2 when there's only 10mins left before jc checked in. sigh. so we didn't have any time to emo& have a proper chat with her.
&he came. OMG! lol jingchun you've good taste ok! yes fawn he's hot de lo(:
and so she left. &suddenly i started weeping. fawn joined in, followed by julie then cow. (heartless xinni. rarr!) it was just too overwhelming to see one of your best buds leave your side for 2 or more years ):
rah. so unglam. minutes ago we're still squealing over that 'black page' in the photo album we gave jingchun& giving each other farewell hugs &the next moment you're crying uncontrollably.
take care gayface& thanks for that gayyy suprise &bringing the clique closer than ever -.-
&so she's gone.

so it's PART 3 for julie's birthday suprises. LOL cow lured her to the toilet while the rest debated how to give the gift.
omg. we tried to throw it down from 2nd level onto julie but we're scared that the police will think we're dumping a bomb& start shooting it /:
we also thought of leaving it at a corner for jul to discover but afraid that it'll be mistaken as a suspicious looking object -.-
so we finally agreed on leaving it by the escalator. LMAO! &i know she loves the picture on the dummy :D

happy seventeenth fawn!
13th July 2007ok after pw lecture jul& i trooped down to PP to develop yg& fawn's picture. HAHA we're so sweet to get some unknown person to photoshop her face& her ec's face together. LOL. bought a wedding invitation card too& a wedding photo frame. gayyy.
then the shits took 135 to VJ& greatest thanks to jiayu. without her we wont be able to know fawn's activity after school :D you rock.
lol omg we made a commotion in the canteen trying to search for dearest bday girl. cos someone (i think it's zong xing) said that fawn's out of school already. hoi it shocked us like anything.
&she popped out behind me &we screamed and squealed like crazeeee. lol. glad that you liked the presents fellow twinhead! :DD
lol we put in alot of sweat &effort for each suprise planned(:
ate with choc jul &cow. talked alot bout our past &happy times.
and all good things will come to an end.
so this signals the end of the birthday month &inevitably the frequent hangouts of the clique.

Saturday, July 28, 2007
we're irreplaceable.; 10:32 PM
i cried today. almost.
stupid nehneh sai it's all your fault!
so unglam.
rarr. if not for my family, i would choose to be unglam for once.
i think i know why. it's the familarity of the convo.
or maybe it's your voice.
sigh. if only a minute is 9875323120544747 seconds long.
if only i can hold one breath for 6678954876321 seonds.
if only i can speak 989765 words/min.
then i would tell you everything.
&you can tell me everything.
everything too.
like what i've said, we're irreplaceable.
&this song's been playing all day long.
&i just want you to know, that i've been fighting to let you go.
some days i make it through, but still i have to say
that i would do it all again.
just want you to know.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
thursdays; 6:08 PM
ok. maybe thursdays aren't that torturous. hmm shit i don't know how many more thursdays i'll have to endure for the coming months. /: the only trick's to grit your teeth and NOT look at your timetable every other minute. HEH.
gave him royce chocolates. MWHAHAHS make sure he grows bigger and BIGGER with each choc he eats! haha no lah(: but still happy big birthday big guy :D glad that you liked the chocs. ARGH and now i'm down for another remedial - bio. ok it's a matter of time only& it came. whatever.
felt so much better after bitching with boonwei bout um(lam)bridge& talking bout our secondary school friends over lunch. ROARRR. her EYES. penetrating bulging EYES. so big till they threaten to drop out anytime. lol(:
rain. rain. rain. the sky these days are so gloomy, a reflection of my current mood these days.
let's revive the library sessions. one day, someday.
&and mr elwin is really really weird. in a funny context. his fetish over underwears is not fake. he REALLY does have and admits it. lol wth. geog lecture was quite funny.. he was talking about underwear manufacturing in china& that over 90% of the underwears produced, were meant to be exported -.- UNDERWEARS out of so many textiles. HAHA omg so brina and i were joking that he'll be playing with his undies when he's gone all old& wrinkled (: oh and he's strange to be avoiding xmas at all costs. crazyy.. he and his friend. they actually travelled all the way to india to avoid xmas but to their disappointment all the hotels in india were decorated with xmas stuffs. awwww (: eek.
hmm oh and i saw geraldine at munchy donut's. omg i thought i saw a ghost! her dark circles were dark like anything. like the clouds in the sky LOL(: so eeeevil. haha. still can't believe she's her gf. hmm. ah doesn't matter. what matters is i ate a peanut butter donut! :D
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
i could only watch as you walk away.; 8:59 PM
wednesday. slack day for me lol(:
gay eugene was uber hyper today raaahh. keep going around disturbing people with his man HEH. go get more sleep please heh so we can get more peace((: lol kiddinggg.
oh oh and i'm quite happy with myself that i was able to understand 3/4 of the bio lecture today! wheeee(: though i still can't recall the terms or answers to laam-bridge's questions. HAHA heck, i'm still happy.
omg and the funniest& the most action thing that happened today was taking contact time attendance. HAHAHA omg can't stop laughing at it. BOONWEI'S EVERYONE'S SAVIOUR! lol. ok everyone in the class ponned contact time& only boonwei yingchao and nicole went. so boonwei rang up nicole who rang brina up. so brina, selina, farzanah and i chionged from the library to the stage, where we assembled with charmaine& angelina. heh the scene was so action cos everyone ran from all directions to the stage& together we rannnnn to the audi.
HAHA and thanks to selina, we managed to get the souvenir booklet(: whee.
pg wasn't in top condition today. &this is the second time i saw pg's temper rise, turn violent, felt extremely infuriated& disappointed & left school with a foul mood. rahhh siggghhh )):
i could only watch as you walk away.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
; 11:53 PM
i see. it's been a long time since i blogged.
hmm ignore those posts emo-monster wrote below. lol.
anyway thanks for the concern from everyone (: i'm better.
something changed in me. but. i just can't pin point the change /:
it was A level chem SPA (skill D) today. i don't know what i wrote but it's over. woke up late today, not only me but the entire family. lol because i woke up late.
roar. slept at around 1plus for the past few nights& had a funny dream last night haha(: something silly bout pg, stupid pantat it's so realistic cos pg spoke to me the way he will in reality /:
don't understand what i'm refering to right? very good. then jolly well enter a chamber, face the 4 walls& viola! you'll know what i'm talking about. HAHA! (lol this is an inside joke shared by math students in LT1)
school ended.
studied abit with shithead-eug, yao long& joshua in the canteen.
continued mugging in the lib alone. it was freezing /:
&i completed the entire carbonyl tutorial. WHEEE :D i feel so accomplished :DD
went for training which ended early cos of the rain.
ate gelare with vereeeena :)
gossipped& talked alot about stuffs. yes. & we met this damn ers couple. eww.
this sums up my day. boring eh?
2 more days to weekends!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
i'm torn; 11:21 PM
&; i'm torn. this suffocating mess i've suppressed.. ripping my insides apart.
rahhh. helplessness. talk, but who?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
truths; 12:31 AM
&; i stood there watching while it only ever happen to friends.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
aww. it's gayface's sweet seventeeen! and we're all planned and prepared for her suprise(:

fawn, xinni, cow and i went to julie's house early in the morning to prepare the picnic. hmm HAHA i realised that everything was so rushed. we just bought the ingredients the night before at fairprice& we're all sweaty and smelly in our school uniforms lol.
anywayy.. we cooked ALOT of hotdogs, cheapo-fairprice-branded sotong balls (omg never buy them cos they're so hard i swear you can use them to play ping pong), egg mayo& tuna sandwiches, jelly, pork ribs bee hoon and apple slices. HAHA sounds damn little but it's ALOT FOR 6 GIRLS TO EAT. omg everything spells FATTENING here.
her picnic.
we bluffed her that we're gonna pick rubbish along ECP cos it was Earth Day& she believed me. lol silly girrrrl (:
we were all cladded in tkgs pe shirts to support the event ok.. so nice right HAHA.
xinni and i went to pick her up at fair price and lied to her that the rest are latelatelate& we asked if she brought her garbage bag along cos we're gonna "pick some rubbish" HAHAH omg. but the fact was.. the rest were already cabbing to ECP to find a location for the picnic HEH(:
but before meeting her, xinni and i went to this cheapo bakery and got the ugliest cake on earth. lol ok not thaaaat bad. we wanted to purchase an uglier cake but the auntie said she wont give us the box& candle. SO EVILLLL ):
aww that jc actually thought that it's her REAL cake. omg so cute(:
anyway here's the cake& you'll be the judge(:
SUPRISE 3after manymany rounds of eating (omg) xinni and julie brought her to the toilet while fawn cow and i prepared the REAL cake. for a moment we thought it was gonna melt in fawn's BLACK bag -.- anyway it's nice right? haha(:

we wanted her to present the cake to either of these guys but she didn't ): so sad. hmm which one will you give the cake to?
god there were suprisingly so many leftovers so we've no choice but to play games and the loser will have to clear the food& i'm glad to announce that i didn't kena any! lol so pro HAHA but i volunteered to eat the last slice of cake cos it's SOO NICE(: heck the fats.

we presented to her our CLIQUE JERSEYYYY!! :DD
she cried& i almost cried too.

above: taken in 2007
below: taken in 2005
lol. from right(for both pics): xinni cow fawn julie me jingchun :D
boo but she left shortly after. but nevertheless it was really a funnnn day& I HOPE YOU LIKED IT WOMAN :DDD
hmmmmm. seems like no words can express my emotions now. haha ehhh but it's a good thing(:
i'm feeling.. complete? satisfied? happy? no idea. i guess it's a pinch of everything. lol. been spending precious time with clique psp& i've been loving it. not only me, everyone had(: yesyes.. every moment.
sigh. it puzzles me whenever i feel down/emo/restless/blank in school for no particular reasons. maybe it's just post JCTs. maybe? i don't know. really. i'm sorry but i just couldn't make myself happy or alive /: hmmm however, i've been enjoying myself in the preparations of:
1. jingchun's birthday (7th july)
2. jingchun's departure (11th july)
3. julie's birthday (11th july)
4. fawn's birthday (13th july)
it's been really really really a busy week for everyone of us, especially cow xinni and i. lol cos it's not our birthdays -.- cracking our brains to think of presents& types of suprises. HAHA come to think about it, it's been a tradition for us to plan suprises for everyone's birthday in the clique :D roarr. nehneh & it's the busiest (and broke-est) time of the year - july. boo and i'll always burn a HUGGEEE hole in my pocket. i'm serious that's why im having tao hueyy everyday for breaks. AHAH(: kidding.
lol anyway some tj stuff.. i'm so dead and i'm feeling kind of demoralised for bio ): i know i havent been trying my best yet but then she's not helping me much either. and i hate it. i hate it. she's not inspiring like peck& all she does is admonish you& accuse you for talking at the back of the class when you are not. just because i'm not like the rest who always completes their tut on time& can answer whatever questions you fire at them& the rest are always so quiet and not talking in class& i'm not participating actively in class. whatever. i always dread your classes. if i feel down that day, you double my unhappiness& sorrows. i know you're gonna speak to me regarding my jct. i know i'm gonna get a "see me" written on all my assessments& all. i'm accustomed to it yet i dread it. i hate the way you look at me. your penetrating stare. ARGH. sigh i think you don't even deserve a paragraph.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
; 1:18 AM
Name 11 people you can think of right
Don'treadthe questions underneath until youwrite the names of all 11 people.
This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.
No cheating..
1. Xuewen
2. Angelina
3. Yiling
4. Fawn!
5. Jingchun!
6. Xinni!
7. Julie!
8. Carissa!
9. Eugene (yao)
10. pingeeeeeee!
11. Joshua
HOW DID YOU MEET #4 (lao da!)
HAHA pigface. i knew her since sec one& she was my first friend. aww nehneh i still have your cute fat picture of you in your family potrait in my phone!! :D
hmmm shhhyesshhhhh HAHAHA(x
i think jc life wouldn't be pleasurable cos i wouldn't have a nice bitching box to bitch to HAHA(: and our thinkings are almost alike (apart from MR MONKEYYY! ROARRR)
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF #2 AND # 6 WEREGOING OUT? (fawn and xinni)
oh i thought they were already an item. HAHA lao da and her purple yamcake(: so happily together but #6 keeps coming to me. rahhh beware i may sell you to china! (:
how old is #8? (carissa)
sixteen going on seventeen!
nahhh she wouldn't cos she'll be too busy looking out for aussie guys then to look at me ):
WHO'S #10'S BEST FRIEND? (pingeeeee)
lol. don't ask me this question. HAHA cos i am so not close to #10. mehhhhhh ):
duh so many times. i even kope her potato cheese biscuits!
WHO'S #6 DATING? (xinni)
ROARRR MR.Q(: haha ok fine fine elvin ng ok. are you happy? HAHA(:
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF # 11? (joshua)
he's a poseur with that green earpiece dangling around his neck& totally obssessed with GO GREEN DAY shirts. HAHAH lol jokinggg pantat! (:
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF # 9? (euegene)
HAH PANTATFACE! :D he has a face of a shit& speaks as frequently as he farts.(: no lah, eug's a mr.nice(:
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF #4 AND #7 WEREGOING OUT? (fawn and julie)
lol. no way lahhh #7 is mine mine ALL MINE! MWHAS she's my xiao bai! (:
WHO DOES #2 LIKE ? (angelina)
coughscoughszzzzzzcough. HAHA this is enough for her to kill me.
nehneh lah her house is so secretive. fine we all know there's pics of naked women stuck all over your wall cannn. no need to shy about. HEHE(:
WOULD YOU MARRY #3? (yiling)
OMG HAHAH NOOOO. cos i wanna marry someone else! :D
DO YOU LOVE #10? (pingeeee)
i see her everyday -.- HAHAHA
Sunday, July 08, 2007
you will never know.; 10:29 PM
every night at this time i feel like slapping myself.
too much thinking harms.
lol. empty my brain,
void of emotions,
Friday, July 06, 2007
grocery shopping with the shits.; 11:03 PM
it's been 6 days!
and tomorrow's the 7th day of july which means it's...
1. JINGCHUN'S SWEET 17! :DD i love you girl!!
and.. after soooo long i finally met up with my SHITS! (: missed them to my bones. lol(:
anyway JCTs were super demoralising. it's not like i didn't try studying hard but my fruit of labour's not very pleasant huh - scoring Us everywhere /: gahhh whatever. who say's i'm not upset? pathetic cannn. grr and that stupid gay woman's flying off soon, which means i'll lose my confidante )): 5 more days.
okk ignore that crap. anyway i met fawn after bio makeup lessons (i'm so gonna be first on mrs.lam's chat list. dammn. shit). nehneh shit i knew i was gonna meet her at her bus stop but that pig took 196, which was behind 31 supposedly. ROARR! haha((:
we developed pictures of the clique, of some ranging from SEC ONE! ZOMG we all looked damn ugly ok. SUPER UBER UGLY. i think i can hang on my door during hungry ghost. to ward off evil(: HAHAH esp the fawn pics. HAHA no lahhh kidding. lao ji so nice ok? ((:
lol and we had a good time laughing our heads off selecting the pictures right, pighead? :D
and hours of waitinggggg for cow& xinni. zzzz. almost died. LOL! (: poor julie was ultra tired when she arrived at pp. but as i was waiting.. i got myself..
a red and a pink nail!! (:

lol. boredom makes one do crazy things. nice right? HAHAHA i'm so impressed with my red nail.
rahh random chattings with fawn over dinner.. YONGGE& PINGE! :DD grr woman do you realise we both missed them today? boo so sad right )):
and finally.. grocery shopping at FairPrice at 8:30pm /: so late cann.
gayy fawn& jul's candid shot.
LAO ONE AND TWO! :D (with the pudding moulds on our heads)
this was at suntec(:
awwww so cute right? :D
HAHA and everything ended by almost 10:00pm.
and so.. the real party starts tomorrow. WHEEE! :D
&; it's been ages since we've spoken. &maybe.. we're forgotten.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
shit sleepovers.; 12:15 PM
JCT was a nightmare. a grade 8 nightmare. i estimate a grade 10 nightmare when the results come back. lol.
anyway heck the JCTs.
haha what a busy friday. after geog exam i'd to rush my backside home to pack& wash up before meeting them at tenah merah mrt. and everyone was late, even julie HAH. gayyyy fawn had her inherited-from-her-great-grandma's golden casio watch so LAO DA cann and her woman(xinni), the yamcake-with-extra-sweet-sauce. lol! there at jc's we played MAHJONG! :DDD oh i missed touching the tiles& i even forgot how to count the prints on the tiles -.-
bridge and daitee was so funn. RAHH supposed to go fly kite but in the end we didn't so we went to have steamboat but the nehneh sky DRIZZLED! so un-romantic. well but we camwhored like mad(:
then travelled to suntec to get vodka! gayy fawn and i had a feeling that we'd bump into people we know. HAHA and yes we did bump into MR MUSCULAR from VJ& the lib (whose chest is so big his elbows can't touch each other) as well as shermin! hahah((: women's sixth sense.
sooooo after much discussion i decided to drink HOOCH. lol with only 5% alcohol /:
aww i miss jingchun's 14% one in the storeroom ): and please dont eat chips with sea salt& vinegarr. omg sour like shit! X=
sigh sigh. im so gonna miss sleepovers at her house. this was our last time )):
saturday was HOT& HUMID TO THE MAX! what's happening to the Earth? dammmmn hot till i wanna curse @^%@!
HAHA and we met fawn's yong ge at the traffic lights. rahrah so jealous! how come mine doesn't shop at queensway!? grr much be hanging out at fawn's bus stop. -KICKS. arrghh i can't stop complaining bout the weather. almost melted us wth and made us slept like pigs on the bus. ultimate unglamness!! :D
DIE xiao bai! for stuffing the sword into my mouth.

my cute little barchang and girlfriend! :D
I.. CAN GIVE YOU GATSBY!! beloved lao da& lao ji :DD
from left: yamcake, lao da, lao ji and xiao bai!
i'm so gonna miss them ):
lol HAHAH it's about time i go wash up to gaigai with them AGAIN! this weekend is get-fat weekend. bbq after steamboat RAHHH! DETOX PILLS FAWNNNNN!!
P.S i love you fawn for that lovely(bald) dosage of eyecandies!! :DD one day i MUST go to your lovely house too HAHA(: