hear tis' sweet-nothings
"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."
Friday, August 31, 2007
end of term fatigue; 12:39 AM
zzz. it's the last official day of school WHEE :D
(but omg it means endless intensive mugging sessions!)
roarr. luckily there wasn't GP and PE today so i was released at 3pm to shop(:
travelled down with char, yingchao, brina and farzanah to PP after geog. they're shopping for tcher day's gifts! lolol the bus ride was super noisy &fun. yea all frozen by my lame jokes. heh if only such fun exists in the class.
wells, met fawn at pp and we started combing the whole of pp for gay choc's present but ended up empty handed with 2 pairs of sore legs. zzz. tiring. so we bought a choc cake from jack's place, a roasted pig trotter from cold storage &drinks! then we took a bus down to mandarin garden to order butter squids.
pig. i shall admit that my chinese sucks to the core now /: lol conversing with the (china)chinese lady at thaipan was horrendous. &we ordered arnold's chicken too. DAMN the lady taking the order thought i wanted them to to make the delivery to a hotel cos the address was directed to geylang -.- don't overgeneralise things please. lmao(:
oh &choc's mom is a great actress. we've been calling each other to keep ourselves updated bout the movements of our darling bday girl. pffft. we thought everything was proceeding smoothly when our bday girl spoilt her own suprise. ROAR! HAHAH just cos she saw a vj girl (fawn) run past the pool -.- fine smart.
chatted so much &it's funny how our conversations never fail to turn into a frank talk session. lol 2years ago it's like this. and it's still like this 2 years later but the atmosphere/intention's different. it's much better now ain't it? (:
anyway we cow and julie were pushed into the pool HEH. smellyyyyyy (:
that's it for today. sam's sleepy ):
time: 1:10am
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
i'm not the queen.; 11:15 PM
and the closer i get i can't help but hide
so ashamed of my body and voice.
there are boundaries we pass in spite of warbut on our own, we can't seem to cross.there are things we can change, if we choose to fightbut the walls of in justice are too high. Y
sometimes i wish you would know; 9:35 PM
SIGH. haven't been updating recently cos i'm S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D and T-I-R-E-D most of the time.
ROAR. promos suck (but it wouldn't suck so much if the stress helps me shed a few kilos. LOL)
i'm happy, but not extrememly. i'm feeling better relative to the post JCT period. yea thanks to the friends around me :D
HAHAHA i shall talk blog about this amusing incident that happened yesterday while walking home((:
some disgusting pevert flashed at me while masturbating -.-
yucks. this is totally disgusting to the max. HAHAH but then he didn't get his cheap thrill i gues cos i just walked on like nothing happened, without even flinching an ich of my muscles. sorry uncle!
&thanks for the rude shock.
study break started yesterday
&i'm already missing the J2s. the mornings without them are pathetically silent (&i'm not used to that), the assembly ground is also so so empty (&i miss the heavy human traffic every morning before assembly) lol although there's more space in the canteen &the queues for food are shorter, there seem to be something that's missing somewhere - life. ohwells study hard dudes (EUGENE &MICHEL) HAHA :D and thanks eug for that postcard :DD
and sooo after 2 long dreadful periods of bio, i was finally released! so i mugged abit with michel in the school lib and went to MP lib with bweeeeeena after that. zzz so mafan please HAH(:
lmao the journey to MPL was hilarious, with the participation of chin kai :D was laughing like mad pls! PIGS. lol &yes brina, chin kai does have a cute face ((:
zzz. i'm so tired now after laughing so much today. LOL
take a chill pill &a small fry dudes.
Friday, August 17, 2007
it ends tonight; 11:39 PM
all i wanted to do is to please you
please myself by living my life too.
hmmm WHEEE my tiny wishes came true for the past few days :DD
seems like wishes only come true nearing the end of the term.
this should be enough.
roar. this whole week literally flew past me /:
tsk. and i think sometimes not knowing may be a blessing. at least it doesn't leave you pondering in front of the screen feeling (insert any negative emotions).
lol &that's not emo-ing ok. HAHAHHA (:
on a brighter note, i think i've fixed a few friendships. perhaps? LOL(:
or maybe... i should start noticing others' flaws (so i won't get disappointed each time)
oh oh and after 2 loooong years, i rewatched ms swan and hard gay cos brina asked me to. LOL
OMGG ms swan is still as frigging funny. the phone sex ep. was the best(:
"my legs are long enough to reach the ground!"
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
fifteenth day of the month; 10:29 PM
P.S HAPPY BIRTHDAY :Dtoday wasn't exactly a very pleasant day for me. all because of PW. of all times i'd to leave the frigging file in my dad's car in the morning& the stupid deadline had to be that day &we didn't know. SO i had to rush back home to get the file and spend moeny cabbing down to school again. wth& get scolded for requesting for grace. hell to PW.
roarr. that spoilt the whole post ):
anyway after i mugged abit with michel in the lib after handing in the ultra slim file (rolls eyes) and went to eat at blackboard. ok he was the one who ate while i koped his super duper oilyfrily fries. ew /: but they tasted sinfully heavenly. caught up quite a bit.
i would go the extra mile, if given the chance.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
; 10:25 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
<33; 11:21 PM

"follow the notes upon the journey
at first sight marks one's destiny
when the voyage comes to an end
return lies within hasty keys ."
wheeeee! finally watched Secret :DD with the pangsais. so we didn't watch 881. ooooomg the movie's so nice esp the twists. julie still cried after watching is twice lol and i cried too ): haha!
but then the stupidest thing's that i accidentally found out the secret online -.- roarr!
Friday, August 10, 2007
F.R.I.E.N.D.S; 11:27 PM
another overdued post. yes again.
THAIPAN-ed with the pangsais again last saturdayyy after mugging in the lib :D
chatted alot with julie on the way to mandarin garden &ahcher joined in the fun and it became.. an utter bitching session. roar!! :D HAHA cow's helplessly late &we waited till our butts flattened on the bus stop seats.
we ate.. butter squid, honey chicken, sambal kangkong &hotplate toufu!
this is the horrible leftovers of the yummy-licious food (:

we made a whole lot of noise in the restaurant. HAHAH but who cares as long as we're happy :D

fun moments :D
yeaaa and we're meeting up again tmr for mooovie. most probably 881 haha :DD
P.S qi yuwu is gayyyy &attached to xie shaoguang. O:
Thursday, August 09, 2007
ignore me.; 11:59 PM
i gave my previous post a thought.
there's no need to comprehend what i wrote.
anyway that was supposed to be a mouldy overdued ranting zillion years ago.
i think afterall.. i still won't choose to do anything to you.
well 'cause it kills my braincells to think of mean ways to disfigure the truth? maybe.
or perhaps..
it never did cross my mind right from the start that i'd do anything similar to what you chose to do.
tuck those
hideous moments in the most tightly sealed pocket of your memory.
obliterate them even though they may come running back. oops sorry it doesn't concern me -shrugs.
(so start forgetting now.)
happy national dayyy! :DD; 8:41 PM
:DDomg the fireworks are exceptionally beautiful from my window today!
okk. time for my 9 o'clock show. toodles (:
additonal: tay ph is so hot! :)
nothing but a rotten dream mistake; 7:00 PM
i am really an utter MORON with a capital M.
why in the whole darn world did you even exist?
you don't deserve my tears. not a single piece of me.
i was such an ass to forgive you.
your name
now freezes my blood, spills my vocab of vulgarities.
go away.
&i know you will never in your entire life come across this
but i still have to say this:
you. dirtied. me. (and yourself)
so shut your trap &stop raking up those mouldy pages
of the hideous memory'cause you brought things this way. not me.
this shameful mistake i committed.
fuck off and lead your own life. i'm glad that our paths won't cross again.
i promise that this will be the LAST post i'm ever going to mention this again.
you are still as fcuking disgusting.this decayed piece of memory. argh