hear tis' sweet-nothings
"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."
Sunday, September 30, 2007
spur of the moment; 2:45 PM
i should be mugging for geog now.
but i'm feeling lazyy /:/:
it makes me wonder why i choose to do certain things. like.. out of randomness?
and after that, i regret. i feel hurt (but it doesn't bother me)
the special day is coming! :D:D:D
Saturday, September 29, 2007
can't hate you anymore; 8:24 PM
dinner's apple slices and a cup of chin chow drink.
what an unproductive day in the lib.
geog's just so not appealing ):): EMDCs and TNCs and supranationals and Africa's banana industries..
and the list goes on.
(waaa.. the library today's filled with so so so many tjcians :O:O we filled up 2 whole rows of mass tables and a 4seater. goodness we're open muggers. lol)
chatted with choc on our way home &we didn't notice the person sitting beside me was a bung (lol) and we talked so much bout bungs. HAHA oops &she kept looking our direction. waaa bet the passengers were listening to our convo throughout the silent journey :D
some people are just so hard to fathom
there's only so many tears that you can cry
before it drains the light right from your eyes
and i can't go on that way
and so i'm letting go of everything we were
it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt
Friday, September 28, 2007
i feel your beating heart. far away; 6:02 PM
promos are almost over. one more paper to go.
did i mention that GP was damn horrible. i wrote about environmental disasters and it REALLy was a disaster. ):):
i don't even think i'll even scrape a pass even after adding in all the other components i.e class participation/jct/class assesment.
pig so much for trying to hard to stay enthu and responsive. (omg)
math was such a disappointment. that's all.
-bangs head on the wall &strangles self &jump down maybank.
today was chemistry. i think i'm kind of numbed by all the building disappointments.
SO bio was the only paper i was contented with &with the hope of passing it (i reallyreally hope)
: :
am i gonna be
what a beautiful smilecan i stay for a while?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
zzz. my compute's taken away again )):
for a week.
O: O:
Saturday, September 15, 2007
tangentfourx; 11:39 PM

i need to use the toilet.
the girls in the class had been craazyyy for the past 2 days - plucking each other's bra straps. lol(: yea so now you know how to turn each other on.
mugging today in the lib was.. er entertaining. when fawn started doing a potrait of me -.- thankspig. it doesnt even look like me.. i think my potrait of you looks more decent (and choc's too) :D stupid choc chia deleted my masterpiece from my phone. watch out black dumpling, i'm gonna eat youuu! RAHHH. anyway so many tjcians were mugging at the lib today haha :D which pissed fawn off. lunch was so so so pui! i think i put on 96785126384712 pounds of fats after eating that flattened chicken rice set. LOL everything in the dish was fried, except for the boiled kangkong &raw slice of cabbage /: fried chicken fried beans &fried tofu.
i feel sick. the fluid in my stomach's acting against gravity. lol
ohohoh &i saw belle and y when i alighted! waaaa belle's so so so chio and y's so so so shuai :DDD
tian ah that ger-lookalike :D whee such a cuteeee couple!
watch it burn
let it die
'cause we are finally free, tonight.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
; 9:33 PM
my head feels as though it's been whacked by a frying pan.
math tutorial
chemistry tutorial
biology tutorial
the twin tower collaped 6 years ago. time flieeees.
Monday, September 10, 2007
plastic hearts.; 11:31 PM

yes my dear meijifingers, so is this picture satisfying? HAHAHA :D i know you love it cos your fav. person/idol is your wallpaper :D
your face so nice and HUGGE.
sian. first day of term 4.
bagged home chem bio math tutorials and a AQ to complete. dammit.
i couldnt finish the AQ in class cos i was dozing off half the time. stupid.
ok i wanna find subway's honeymustard.
please inform me if you know where to get it, apart from subway
or i'll have to resort to stealing it from the booth in the lib :D
we don't need to go that far
let's hold on to where we are
Saturday, September 08, 2007
i wish i could find the words to say; 11:48 PM
i wish i could find the words to say..
Friday, September 07, 2007
pieces of me; 11:04 PM
sam wants a bear hug.
she is v tired.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
random thoughts; 11:20 PM
Walking on the hills that night with
those freworks and
candlelight ..
. . . . . . . . .
i miss that
feeling. suddenly. sigh.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
891011; 10:46 PM
i'd like a ticket to the end of the rainbow.

zzz. the most commonly used word by me recently. zzz.
my face is so fleshy! just like a fishball and plus my disastrous hair now, i look more like a complete ball! ): i want to slice that piece of meat off my face. so extra. and thankyouverymuch chiaxinni my left profile doesn't look like the sixties purrleaase! it's so so disgusiting yuck. hhaha but i do admit that the small explosion of hair in front of my left ear is so fugly. lol :D
wooo only found out today that the most productive times of the day for me (and porkfawn) are the mornings and after dinner! roarrr afternoons are nothing but procastination ): kept talking. HAH and my darling honey gggggggglazed chicken. your school's chemistry questions are as tough as your thighs please! so hard lor, i give up already. HAHAHA go find your smartypants friends to teach you RAH :DD
lol the buffet outside the lounge's always been so tempting. it just triggers the acids in our stomachs to start flowing! pig. ((:
ok my computer time's up! dammit i exceeded by 11mins ):

look! it takes one $100 to add veg to their meals! :DD

HAHA LOOK! they're happy seat partners :D

my fugly ball hair ):
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
a spell that never ends; 11:11 PM

zzz. i should be sleeping now.
lol like finally, i think i did something quite productive HAHA /: mugging at national library is so so so tiring. nothing but chemistrybiology biologychemistry.
haha i like hanging out in the library cos there're interesting people around. HEH like during the june holidays we met a twinhead &colin marr. today we met a MR.HAPPY :DD and he looked so happy when he stepped into the lib. lol(:
waaaaa SUBWAY'S PROMOTION ENDS TODAY. i think i've had enough of subs. HAHA 2 subs, 2large drinks and 4 cookies for 2 days. and so from tomorrow onwards, sam's diet will only be yong tau fu and nothing else :D it's time to shed some disgustingoilystubbornpigsticky fats! ok i shall aim to shed 3kg this time and try hard not to gain them back.
and well.. sometimes we've to slack. funtimes of the day! :DD
HAHA camwhoring in front of the lib is so embarrassing! yes fawn you and your table effects. pig!
; 10:48 PM
dad needs to be hospitalised for a few days.
i'm darn worried /:
but i can't do anything. shucks
i hope this will be over soon.
zzz-monster.; 12:14 AM
} Ythere's a reason why they say that we should give it time
but time is not enough
and that's the reason why
when you're young you fall in love.
Monday, September 03, 2007
baby we keep running from our past; 10:41 PM
walao! sam's supposed to
STUDY!!anyway the past few days were nothing but procastination ): i'm so sad and so so so unproductive!!
whee t'cher days' celebrations in TJ was better than expected but rather short. pig vj's one sounded so much more interesting. kill yingchao for that. heh. omg i really really feel like offering the teachers 6 bucks each to get their chio-long skirts tailored pls. zomg enthu teachers and principals wore TJ uniforms and their skirts are frigging l-o-n-g. and they acted cute in front of the camera. ewww /:

and then julie bear brina amanda.w weeshan etc fawn and i trooped down to TK!! tian ahhhh. how much i miss that place :D soo many ex-tkgians went back! chatted with many teachers. mrs (lazy)loe. mrs chan (patrick!). mrs malvina lim (the sweaty bao). ms yong. lin lao shi etc. walked along the once so familiar corridors and peeked into classrooms. how nostalgic.
well tk's the place i'd spent 4 entire years of life. hahaha i don't know why but the recess route we always take was the most memorable that day(:
yesyes. tk's the place i dedicated 4 years of life there. really missed that place! :DD i cannot and will never forget everything that happened within the walls of tk ): haha the extreme ups and downs. lol thanks for the memories. you know what i mean
and after that fawn&i went to butcher our hair!! tian ah i came out looking like a BALL! a freaking BALL )): her hair was ok lor pig, just well.. alotshorter /: dont complain pls im here to cushion you. RAHH thankme. and and guess what? OHMYMOTHER i have to see somone!! TIAN AH -sky crashes down. I WAS SO SUPER FUGLY with that ball hair ))): ROFL and fawn and i have to laugh like some big idiots HAHA :DDD pig.. cute right? :D lol i was a bigger idiot than fawn cos i began grabbing her all over while hyperventilating HAHAH &we've to walk up/down 2times!! sam is so so so sad ):