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is proud to have been a tkgian & tjcian :D:D
i❤my shitzx to bitzx too!
mix the words up.

Designer Basecodes

It took time to see:
August 2004 September 2004 December 2004 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 February 2007 March 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 May 2009 April 2010 January 2011
hear tis' sweet-nothings

"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
it's OP tomorrow!!; 11:16 PM

it's less than 24 hours to my fav. op! zzz. rehearsals again ._.
can't wait for it to be over, so i can burn all my slides and scripts in a bonfire :D
everyone's fighting over the classrooms to rehearse op.
&the pathetic school only opened 7 classrooms for the J1s
so everyone had to beg teachers to book the CRs for them.
-rolls eyes.

trooped down to pp with nicole/yc/bw/farz :D
ate at long johns after so long cos it's halal (lol)
hmm and can anyone tell me if pastamania is halal? HAHA
&yet another bitching chatting session :D:D

didn't feel like going home so early so i tagged along with farz's pw group to mp lib with brina.
&we wasted one whole afternoon there doing nothing but taking time to gossip :D
so fun! and whatever went through my head i shouldn't have touched that stupid lovecalculator
._. ._. ._.
borrowed books and we all went home (damn late)

class outing tmr!! finally wheee :D:D

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
chocolate obsession; 11:08 PM

went back to school for I&R submission and op rehearsals again. OP OP OP (f_ _ k)

but well.. things are getting better i hope. everyone's cooperating already(:
lol farz and yingchao were making a hell out of noise along the corridors racing on their black/white chairs.
racism HAHAHA :D
my feet smelt like dead fish. my pig shoes were still wet &i'd to wear my wetwet shoes into school and then change into slippers
if not the security uncle will catch me, like ystdy ._.
i hate f.tong for implementing this fking silly rule!
like.. what's wrong with wearing slippers to school? whatever.

then i went gelare with charmaine and yc.
only with them cos the rest backed out wth, roarrrr bite them!
.. but HEH it was still v.fun!!
3 of us shared 2 large waffle (omg) and it was so so so heavenly!! :D:D

&i realise that our class is a very fun/challenging to analyse.
class politics.

WHEEE! charmaine &i smuggled ourselves into the SC ROOM!! ( ._. )

Sunday, October 28, 2007
don't come knocking on my door; 6:19 PM

(inserts sigh here)
recently i've been seeing that flasher at the deserted bus stop again.
like so many times.
&it doesn't help to know what the hell he's doing behind the newspapers
don't worry, he didn't flash anymore
cos i learnt my lesson &kept my head hanging low.

can somebody just arrest him please? .V. .V.

stop bugging me; 12:47 AM

argh. i've been blogging so much today. but i can't help it
first it was this gigantic flying cockroach (which was shot down by my dad with a rubber band :D)
second was a baby lizard (which my mum squashed it)
it even waggled its tail at me ._.
now it's this round bug that's glued on my wall.

&i'm getting addicted to The X Family now! :D:D
my dad's asking me for KO One cos he hasn't finished the show.
awww jc heard that? hurry hand me the cds!!

the picture says it all; 12:18 AM

you'll see it. if you think alike.

Friday, October 26, 2007
blue magic; 5:18 PM

friday so didn't feel like the last day of school.
umm, something was just missing.
i remember at this point of time 2 years ago, i would be so busy doing operation cleanup.
&then i'll recieve my report card.
there was psp/mahjong cards/poker cards/soggy wrinkled fingers/wet pinafores/stupid role plays.
HAHAHA just one word: fun.

but there wasn't all these this year. everything ended too abrupt.
plus it's still not really the end of school. there's still the all time sickening OP.
f the system .V.

nevertheless.. there're still pictures :D (some)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
on a high! :D; 9:29 PM

op rehearsal today was rather screwed. everyone said we were soft (lol) but i remembered speaking at the top of my voice (:

have to mention that the class interaction (well.. maybe not the entire class) after the math lecture was so so fun :D:D

everyone was exceptionally high HAHA like.. for no reasons &we're thinking of ponning double chem.

but thankgod we didn't. ms tan was pms-y today ):): spoilt the atmosphere

eug sai's mood was so rotten after chem. lol hoped the lunch made you happier! :D:D

yesyesyes so xw/nicole/farz/boons/yingchao/sai/yaolong/yitheng/brina (infrared) and i trooped down to pizza hut for lunch!

waa HAPPY to the max!! hmm if i wasn't wrong, half the time we're all gossiping bout nicole's lovelife (:(:

lalala we should organise more of such outings :D yeap the next should be the one after OP?



oh and i have to mention: THANKS KENNETH! for your present!! :D:D ohhh you know me so well HAHAHA! so now i have scatterbrain &bump.

Sunday, October 21, 2007
sell out tour; 4:18 PM

so the years went by, i stayed the same

wheee i had a new hairdo with brina yesterday at roxy :D
ok i suppose but it takes quite some time for me to style it lol!
we'll see on monday yea. this hair is so a.a
bought a shirt. haha and brina has to point this old woman who's wearing the same shirt i bought when we walked out of the shop. goodjob mutton ._.
kept fighting as we walked the entire pp. embarrassing to the max please!
so many people were staring,

met julie/xinni for dinner at pastamania &bitched so much bout promos. lol (:(:
as well as the celeb frenzy at tj. HAHA and i was fussing so much over my stupid hair.
stupid (:

Friday, October 19, 2007
; 9:22 PM

submission of the wr today. on..

my wr was screwed. but nicole did a greeaaaaat amount editing the wr. thanks girl.
sighhh. everything was so chaotic today /:/: the fcuk word spilling out of everyone's mouth.
ew. the time for submission was 2 to 3pm but we only handed in at around 3:40pm. grr.. i'm just glad that today's over. thankyou

i'm starting to like geog lessons. human geog lessons with elwin.
lol there's only 5 people in the class, and it's not confirmed yet ._.
haha but he's so so so funny when there's only a small group of students
&we can concentrate so much more :D
london city/drug addicts/molesters/street bullys. lmao(:

when somebody loved me, everything was beautiful
every hour we spent together lies within my heart
&when she was sad, i was there to dry her tears
&when she was happy, so was i
when she loved me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
; 10:18 PM

my monotonous life. nothing but pw pw pw ._.
and more pw when seeing how stressed my classmates are over their groups
lol. mine ain't better either. 2nd op rehearsal was today.
darn my legs were shaking like crazy jelly! roarr don't know why too.
&our slides were screwed upside down ):):
grrr. rahhhh pw rocks my word/life/socks totally. fcuk.

k on a lighter note, i'm the most improved student for bio across the cohort! :D:D
HAHA yo and my present's a photo frame with the blocks 'good job' on it. lol

&&& ogl interview was lame. uber. i can't believe only brina/yitheng and i turned up. HAHA those applicants before us weren't there ._.

i have a growing fear and you're not helping me
am i the only one who realise, it's true?

my birthday celebrations; 9:49 PM

lol it's so effing weird to be posting this now cos it's so so so
effing/chao ji/extremely/super duper late but still,
this post is all about...


wheee dined out with them on 4th october. went to ms clarity cafe. the bugis branch.

pig. everyone cheated my feelings. roarr said must dress nicer ._.

anyway we had so much food i almost vomited /:/: HAHA but thanks for the pleasant suprises. LOL the waitress had to (accidentally) spoil the suprise by asking fawn if she can light the candles of my cake but actually, it's gayface fawn who gave the game away. HAHAHA our faces were just too classic! :D

zzz. we burst out laughing like pigus in the cafe &the poor waitress still didn't know what happened. lol anyway she came to apologise for spoiling the suprise. aww it's ok :D

now.. presenting MY (BROWNIE) CAKE from mrs.field's!

chio right? :D:D

(haha try and decipher what's the meaning of the fudge words)

took polaroids outside ms clarity's/walked aimlessly/headed towards raffles/intended to drink/camwhored along the way/camwhored more at raffles hotel/decided not to drink (lol)/went home with choc.


while fawn and cow went ahead to drink. be careful not to drink too much next time! :D

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
; 11:50 AM

ROAR ROAR!! i so so so should have went to school today AND NOT WAKE UP AT 11AM!
.V. .V. .V. -erupts in jealousy.

pigggg. xuewen has to sms me to tell me that jessica liu/elvin ng/pierre png and joanne peh is in TJ ):):): and she has to tell me that joanne peh's so much more chio in reality and elvin ng's damn damn tall &shuai /: thankyouverymuch.

Saturday, October 13, 2007
time is not enough; 11:37 PM

painful eyes/dried tears/exhausted mind/emo monster/emo-overdose playlist/fragments/blurred.

listen. the symphony of breaking hearts.

came a time when every star falls
brought to you tears again
and what's the worst you take
from every heart you break

Friday, October 12, 2007
the beautiful mistake; 10:35 PM

as he goes left and you stay right
between the lines of fear and blame
and you begin to wonder why you came
what was the song that was playing on my head
this late afternoon?
i don't know the song title.

what was the memory that surfaced in my head
this late afternoon?
all was a dream. -smiles.

empty corridors &locked science labs.
the late afternoon sun rays &my light footsteps.

(insert 3 sighs here)

Thursday, October 11, 2007
; 10:29 PM

zzz. haven't been updating for eons.
just felt too nua/lazy/tired/distracted to do so. but there's lots to update
HAHA from my (belated) birthday celebrations with the psp to the karaoke session with julie &her friends :D

also to the returning of promo scripts /:/:

.. and not forgetting the little misery of the arrival of the day. (inserts sigh)
coming soon.

amongst these faceless others
underneath the surface
everything's so backwards
it's all a lie

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
a year older :D; 9:59 PM


WHEE it's my birthday! LOL :D:D k that's one year older sam.
hmm today was quite a nice day. er the first few hours of my birthday was spent facebook-ing.
zzz but i had to go to school in the morning for pw ): and the open house meeting.

after that i had pizza with xuewen yitheng and boonwei. HAHA ok thanks boonwei for celebrating my bday when you're supposed to be back in school slogging for op.
lol we made a whole lot of noise at pizza hut!! screaming and squealing and bursting balloons (accidentally) and cam whoring! eeyoorrr thanks yitheng &boonwei for the balloons! (:(:
omg 3 slices of pizza is damn filling please. i almost puked lol /: took a bus ride down to katong shopping mall to buy my awfully chocolate cake :D i chose a choco banana flavoured and guess who i saw there? VANESSA! omg how suprising when she walked out from the concealed area behind the counter lol. she's working there now
aww i suddenly miss her v much though she's not really close. ):):): couldn't chat with her cos there was this other customer. ohwells i hope she's really doing well!!
i had 3 birthday wishes this year. HAHAHA oh no i'm so greedy (:(:

k there's still 20 minutes left to the end of my birthday. i'm sad. HAHA shall hope choc will do well in her math paper &the psp can go out tmr! lol. HAHA :D:D

heaven's gates won't open up for me
with these broken wings
i'm fallin'
and all i see is you

Monday, October 01, 2007
avoided glance.; 10:29 PM

i'm bored. after promos lol
i don't know what to do now. HAHA post promo thrill was overrated.
gayyy ah pui went smoking with her friends! tsktsk
hmm this blog started by a few SC members og Meridian JC is darn funny (:
go check it out: http://mugalomaniac.blogspot.com/

the kill.; 6:36 PM

my promos are officially over :D:D:D
(i shall dismiss the thought of scoring badly for geog)
illusions never changed to something real

trooped down to pp with charmaine, brina and farzanah.
ate venezia's waffles - yummy! but we prefer gelare's more.
scouted for nicole's birthday present after filling our tummies lol.
&we went into that designer's shop opposite ig's haven &bought a personalised bracelet for her :D so chio please.
ohoh and the salesperson who attended to us was a bung BUT she's so chio pls omg. so wasted. her hair's like so so so niceeeee! :O:O
double lols, charmaine brina and i started gossipping after we stepped out of the shop HAHA!

i tried to be someone else
but nothing seemed to change
i know now, this is who i really am inside
i know now, this is who i really am.