hear tis' sweet-nothings
"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."
Sunday, January 27, 2008
it's the twenty seventh!; 11:19 PM
GO GREEN DAY/ slogged like hell/ didn't lose any weight (damn it)
&; (cos it's you and me, and all of the people
with nothing to do, nothing to lose
and it's you and me, and all of the people
and i don't know why
i can't get my eyes off you.)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
; 11:37 PM
(&now i do believe, that dreams are meant for sleeping.)
Friday, January 25, 2008
; 9:14 PM
jingchun's left for australia already on the 22nd.
undeniable that time passes by pretty quickly. she was here
&now she's gone.
&i know (yes, i know) that i didn't do much for her during her stay.
HOI if you're reading this gayface, forgive me for not being a considerate friend (HAHA!) everytime we're on the phone k?
lastlyyyy i'm always a phone call away ok :D so NEVER TURN TO ALCOHOL!!
HAHA verbal diarrhea is dangerous :D
kays, so the psp met at changi airport @ 8:30pm to set up our yusheng suprise.
this was proudly brought to you by julie fawn &i(: special appearance by my bloody finger ._.
good luck to those who ate bloody carrots.

annnnnd.. we got her her Elmo!
&his name is Diarrhea Lin Lao Sai :D:D

hmm more pictures.

yaa and it was time for her to go. zaijian woman! see you in june ):
ice cream chef camwhore! :D

Friday, January 18, 2008
i'm just a sad song; 11:15 PM
tgif today.
hmm i really love the school this way,
with all the pae people around
cos they colour up the monotonous tj with their multicoloured uniforms! (:
yaa &some people just look better in their sec school uni, just like me!! HAHA ._.
my mood swung from one extreme to another today. just that i kept it under wraps.
there's just no one i could reach out to.
raarrr but things turned for the better in the afternoon, when fang xiong/eugene/jonathan &kirk came along :D
rofl kirk fangxiong &i were having a mass racist/dirty jokes session in the lib ._.
fang xiong's so blur please! he needs a translator lol
&lastly to kirk/raghu/fangxiong: I AM NOT A LOL!! (lump of lard)
long overdued pictures! :D:D


presents for new year gift exchange. the alcohol on the table got us dead drunk.

semi-drunk choc!

Thursday, January 17, 2008
; 8:34 PM
lunch date @ changi's sakae with pangsais on wed.
school's been nothing but a pile of shiat. zxxzxzzx
on a side note, i think i'm really diagnosed with stm cos i can't seem to remember what i did to others.
whatever -glares at bw &yc. /:
but i won't rule out the possibility that, i chose to forget
sub-consciously.anyways, ponned contact time &trained down to changi with julie &choc.
as usual cow was late late late. HAHHA and.. the fun began!
rarrr i became the stupid sushi-rice dumper &had to keep disposing the rice into that red plastic bag
that was hidden in my bag ._.
WALAO &my bag became uber smelly after the buffet!! .v.
so we ate plate after plate. so so so many unagis &salmons &chawamushi! :D:D
candy-empired &bought jelly beans, starbursts! &this fire extinguisher sweet cos it was so cute.
(it was the roar of the crowd
that gave me
heartache to sing
it was a lie when they smiled &said,
you won't feel a thing.)

smelly sushi rice /:

sexy cowwww /:

this was only part one.

camwhoreeee!! :D:D
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
burn away those sweet-nothings; 9:51 PM
&i just hope you knowthat if you say goodbye todayi'd ask you to be truecos the hardest part of thisis,
Friday, January 11, 2008
standing close to you; 11:01 PM
went to temasek poly's open house today! waa i lovee that school.
it's so so so chio please! :D:D
&then fawn/cow/julie/i slacked in the canteen for hours after jingchun left. lol &something amazing happened:
half the sky began to rain while the other half remained dry /:
HAHA and we're caught in the middle(:
another round of fts &thrashed things out.
as requested by fawn.
(where did i go wrong, i lost a friendsomewhere along in the bitternessand i would have stayed up with you all nighthad i known how to save a life)and tonight i'm gonna fix things right.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
; 4:26 PM
i'm supposed to be mugging hard for chemistry lecture test tmr, not to be here ):
(orientation zenith's over.
school has resumed (wth)
i can't catch up with what's going on!
lecture tests &piles of overdued tutorials.)
orientation was boring initially. zzz the ogms were kinda half dead &why did the school even arrange for the TAs to participate in the orientation? rarr those ponners(:
things only changed for the better (so much better) on the third day - mass dance @ suntec.
i got to know some more ogms better e.g. royce &boyfriend(s), edward and vibhu/the most shuai &thick-skinned ogm, kirk(:/ my funniest &cutest ogm, yuyang :D/ emo binghao etc
:D:D and this is truly the most valuable reward from being an ogl.
anyway gamma clinched the overall orientation champions, consecutively for 2 years!

&i lack sleep. alot alot of sleep /:
i need time to complete the overdued tutorials &mug for tests too. (damn then why am i still here)
paint that painful lie all over again.it was almost perfect.she almost fell for it.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
P.S I Love You; 5:49 PM
yet another sleepover date with the pangsais @ jingchun's (:
i swear this is the messiest but most unforgettable sleepover as for now.
we met in the afternoon &slacked around like potatoes in her hse playing silly funny card games.
then it was grocery shopping at fairprice for steamboat.
woo bought so so so many food! like there was
jelly/meatballs/fishballs/fish maw/tofu/yong tau fu
sausages/luncheon meat/praws/cabbages/chicken/salmon
lol &we started drinking wine alr. lousy choc got tipsy after 1 glass ._.
her face was so red! &she vomitted to feel better.
counted down to 2008, finished our gift exchange &wrote new yr resolutions.
this was when the real drinking started /: /:
1 hr plus of gin/vodka/root beer/7up/tonic/red bull etc &keropok gives you 5 tipsy drunkards.

everyone was getting super high &jc was
giggling uncontrollably, a symptom of being drunk(:
that poor girl couldn't control her emotions &collapsed.
she vomitted so much &nosebled. gay choc had to say she vomitted blood ._.
god, my hands were stained with her blood. so was everyone's.
cow &choc were the only MORE sober people around so they cleaned up the mess.
HAHAH they were angels that night! :D
everyone except cow vomitted. i did it thrice! ):
jc's state of mind was worrying.
lol so in short, we just spent the first few hours of new year sobering up &cleaning up the mess done by 5 drunk girls.
oh well, unglam as it is.. it's really an experience though :D
P.S i still love everyone of you even though we were smelly &drunk!