hear tis' sweet-nothings
"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
start; 9:25 PM
now i know you're not a fairytaleand dreams were meant for sleepingand wishes on a starjust don't come truecos now even i can tellthat i confused my feelings with the truthcos i liked the viewwhen there was me and you.
Monday, April 28, 2008
can't hold on; 10:06 PM
Someone cries and it washes the street with tears
But when they are mine, they collect in my head for years
Rain or shine, still i'm standing on all i saidCos it's in my soul, carry on when the feeling's deadBut if you can't hold on
Let it go and come back in your heart
And if you can't hold on
Maybe it's not time for you
And if you can't hold on
On your very last try
I'll be there in the morning to pull you through
Someone dies late at night and I never know
And even if I did, so afraid of the face I'd show
I feel trapped and enslaved to this dark contrast
Need a feeling now, give me something that's going to last
i want to be free
Yes, I want to be free
Oh, I want to be free
Yes, I want to be free
You say you want to be free
But you can't fool me
Oh, and if you can't hold on
Let it go and come back in your heart
And if you can't hold on
Maybe it's not time for you
And if you can't hold on
On your very last try
I'll be there so you know that you're not alone
Sunday, April 27, 2008
&i'm picking up the pieces; 12:57 PM
hmm anyways i've taken down one of the older posts. what's meant to be will be.
met up with the shitxz last night. dinner @ thaipan(: but cow was absent HAH
gossiped/ bitched alot &we randomly raked up our pasts while walking over to ice-cream chef's.
ohh like what jul said.. everything sounded so long long ago which is true(:
how well do we know ourselves and others?
ahh and jingchun's returning in a month half's time which means we've got an excuse to sneak out to chill! :D:D
hmm the GSS's coming too but we confirm won't have time for crazy shopping sprees ): nvm chun shall be our excuse! HAHA kidding girl if you're reading this(:
ruled out the idea of having sleepovers @ her house again, lest we get all drunk &the whole drama repeats itself. HAHA
had our ice creams. i had honeydew with snickers :p soo we sat at the same place as before &chilled. the laundry shop.
anyways choc jul &i discussed bout our futures on our bus ride home. ahh everything sounds so bleak LOL. singapore's education system's freaking stressing the shitxz out of us .v. how unhealthy for the mind and body.
who knows i may be stressing out to bout work and i may just collapse and die of over-exhaustion the nxt thing w/o knowing myself.
thought bout migration HAHA whatever. thought bout our plans to open up a pastry shop/ cafe tgt for chilling out :D sounds good.
someone said:
you'll never stop loving someone, you'll just have to learn to live without them.i know we're moving fast
we're running from the past
i'm holding on before it slips away
could it be that maybe it's our first mistake
and baby that's alright
it's crazy how we lost ourselves tonight
there's a reason why they say that we should give it time
but time is not enough
&that's the reason why
when you're young, you fall in love.
Friday, April 25, 2008
i'll put your heart in mine; 12:24 AM
dots. sports meet was silly but gamma still owned the rest! :D
hmm lol we had an inspiring talk during contact time it's about "How Not To Marry A Jerk" HAHA that's what i need the most(:
the speaker was darn true.. like 90%? LMFAO &he's damn funny.
it takes alot from the guys to turn girls on.. like hugging/ kissing/ romancing/ nuzzling/ squeezing ._./
ignore the fat bits (HAHA! so true!) etc.
and the only way to turn guys on is to -
arrive naked! ROFL ohmytian :D:D
ohoh i think i've found a new eyecandy HAHA but the calibre like not-so-very-good compared to eyecandy one &two! rarrr how much i miss them.. how i wish they're both still here ): tsktsk the guy has very nice eyes omg! :D
rarrr i hate myself these days. i've spoken so many lies.. white lies &i rlly feel guilty/ shameless for lying. unless sth happens, i'll still carry on with the lie cos
it's protection.
i think you're so hard to fathom. promises are meant to be honoured.. or should they be broken? i think i heard you say escapism. it doesn't really matter to you.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
what's left of me; 10:21 PM
i'm fine already,
at least i'm loving my laughter &smiles again(:
almost seven days of singlesville's life again. nothing special just.. an emptiness i can't lay my finger on.
but i know Time's the answer to all. Time will bleach heartbreaks &frame memories.
you're not the person that you used to bethe one i want who wanted meand that's a shame buti'd hug those who have helped me through the toughest times, you know who you are.
seeing me crumble in tears &playing awesome audiences.
there's only so many tears that you can crybefore it drains the light right from your eyesand i can't go on that wayi'm glad my family's there for me too. unlike previously where i only had my pillow &the nights to confide in.
yea xuewen you're right, nothing beats having your family to play audiences.
well.. this is a closure to a very special chapter of my life.
i guess we're both not mature enough to handle a mature rship.
i realise my presence was already a kind of stress to you.
you're not strong enough to handle stress &time.
our mistake for finding excuses to cover up the problems.
my only regret is not being given a chance to work things out tgt with you.
and how could we quit somethingwe never even triedwell you still can't tell me whyanyway, thx for everything since the day we met. all the best(:and so i'm letting go of everything we wereit doesn't mean it doesn't hurtwe built it up to watch it falllike we meant nothing at alli gave and gave the best of mebut couldn't give you what you needyou walked awayyou stole my lifejust to find what you're looking forbut no matter how i tryi can't hate you anymore
Saturday, April 19, 2008
hello & goodbye; 10:16 AM
只能低著头发呆 让回忆渗透脑袋 渐渐变空白
把他当作个意外 但内心还想不开 因为我明白 其实你都还在
我想起了遇见你的时候 想起你眼神中的温柔
我想起了我们第一次牵手 我闭上眼
想起当时你怀裏的颤抖 似乎那麽害怕失去我
然而到後来我什麼都没有 当你离开的时候
我可以装作已释怀 他对我也算关怀 他看不出来
我知道这样不应该 在他身上找依赖 算不算是种出卖 因为你一直在
我想起了遇见你的时候 想起你眼神中的温柔
我想起了我们第一次牵手 我闭上眼
想起当时你怀裏的颤抖 似乎那麽害怕失去我
然而到後来我什麼都没有 当你离开的时候
我想起你亲吻我的时候 想起你眼神中的沈默
我想起了我们平静的分手 我闭上眼
想起当时你美丽的承诺 把你整个心都交给我
然而到後来我什麼都没有 越是没有你 越是心痛
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
; 8:46 PM
i really hate to admit that i dislike waking up in the morning everyday.
i just hope for a morning which i won't be awaken by disturbed thoughts/stress &be haunted by them for the rest of the morning.
it all comes running back - that feeling.yea &i hate having to find all sorts of reasons to make myself feel better.
i'm like a balloon that's gonna burst anytime.. there's too much fears doubts stress worries bottling up inside.
but i've to deal with it anyway. they just won't leave.
on a ______ note, i think i've adapted to the new communication method between us,
&it stings y'noe.
seeing my phone hurts.
but i'm getting numb.
BUT i'm gonna be strong &fix the problem.
Monday, April 07, 2008
athazagoraphobic; 9:57 PM
yeayea. i think bugs just love me. first it was the emo bug, now it's the stress bug
¬ forgetting all the other miscellaneous (real) bugs that keep flying into my face ._.
thanks alot dudes.
for the past 4 nights i've been having either dreams with the same characters or nightmares.
bah there's no difference cos both jerk me awake in the middle of the night everytime. &abandons me with that familiar yet foreign feeling
the one i felt everynight 3 years back to cajole me to sleep. wth
but i never got back my sleep after that.
long overdued KUANTAN PICTURES! :D
this are the desserts we ate for dinner buffet! (but it's only part I)
class picture @ putrajaya!

omg the waterfall is real!
this was our 5 star beach resort
stupid ant that crawled onto my leg ._.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
; 2:57 PM
i don't know why am i doing here. HAH
good or not, i'm already feeling the stress of A's.
and i want the best of both worlds.
okkk mommy emo's gone away BUT baby emo's here to stay ):
i'm glad i sort half my worries &doubts with him alr (though i doubt he knows lol)
but i'm still unhappy bout it. sigh &the worse's tht i've only fridays (nights) for us.
i request for a little bit more time.. is it ever possible? it's not much to ask for.
sighhh.. anyways i still have to thank those lovely friends who stood by me &played audiences.
you guys rock.