Saturday, December 27, 2008
crishmaaaaaaas(:; 8:58 PM
MERRY X'MAS EVERYONE!!it's the season of giving.
i've been working &i enjoy working there(: the colleauges are interesting. LOL
meanwhile i've been expanding. doing admin jobs rlly set the pounds in you/: i've gained 2kg ever since the start of A's.
i'm damn lazy. lol i hate working but i have to work to earn money for university admission. roar &i hvn't checked out my modules and admission criteria/:
well.. and happy (belated) birthday yingchao. HAHA i've given you my greetings this year so stop harping tht i forgot last year.
fish and co. was fattening ):
xmas countdown @ball's house tgt with choc, julie, cow, evepotato and how can i forget fawn? :D
i alighted at the wrong stop cos i thought all along ball lived at waterside. how gay
and so when i reached my potong ice cream and rainbows have melted .v.
okayyy so we'll countdown again for the new year!! :D:D only this time without chun):

probably with ball and potato again. LOL fawn pls upload the pictures!(:
Thursday, December 04, 2008
rendevous temasek; 11:24 PM
marina mandarin @ 1st dec.
it was a hectic hectic hectic day. went to do my hair and makeup at zhiqing mother's shop at 3 and rot all the way there till 6 where we (julie zhiqing me zhiyuan sarah etc) cabbed down to the hotel.
i didn't rlly like the food though.. &my the didn't serve my favourite dessert, red bean lotus paste!! ):): wth i was so so looking forward to the dessert &the served yam paste instead ._.
post prom was darn sucky. the party at DXO started late and ended so damn early! it ended at 1:45am when the arena &zouk ended at 3pm wth. strolled down the esplanade drive over the bridge to the merlion park.
cabbed back to zhiqing's house with zhipeng and zhihao &we stopped for uber early breakfast @ this dim sum restaurant HAHA zhihao footed the bill(:
omg removing makeup is the worst thing to do srsly.. so troublesome!!
few rounds of dai tee after the girls bathed before we all drifted to lalaland :D
roar lousy blogger can't upload my peekchas cos they're too large o.0
find them at facebook(: