Sunday, January 02, 2011
into the new year; 11:54 PM
what i've learnt and experienced in 2010:
- not everything can have a happy ending. i played with fire, thinking that i could manage the situation well but i was wrong. i got burnt badly. things would not have turned out this way if i had put a stop to all the misunderstandings that i created. i admit my greediness to enjoy the feeling of being courted but i picked the wrong person to play with and hurt myself thoroughly.
- pleasing everyone, even at the compromise of what's right, will not exchange for happiness. yea you read it. i was really miserable pleasing people at the expense of my own happiness. in the end i did all the wrong things and paid a fucking huge price for it.
- the truth hurts, but sometimes being honest can salvage a lot of unnecessary damage. it sure stings, hearing the ugly truths about things. at least honesty can salvage trust.
- finding love again. i've found the most incredible and amazing person in 2010. you're right, i've been living a dan fucked up life before meeting you and i want to thank you for fixing my life, and accepting me for who i am even though i'm not so perfect. your love has given me the courage to live this second life that you've granted me.
what my 2011 resolutions are:
- not to be so naive anymore. not everything can be so pure and innocent.
- not to be too trusting.
- trust.
- spend more time maintaining relationships. i have always suck at maintaining friendships.
- to be a better girlfriend.
- love myself more. give it more patience and time.
- fix my awful grades ):