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is proud to have been a tkgian & tjcian :D:D
i❤my shitzx to bitzx too!
mix the words up.

Designer Basecodes

It took time to see:
August 2004 September 2004 December 2004 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 February 2007 March 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 May 2009 April 2010 January 2011
hear tis' sweet-nothings

"Everyone's so engrossed in finding their own happy endings
thay they tend to overlook the ones leaving their lives.. and those that should stay.
&for some people, their happy endings may just be something as simple as moving on.."

Sunday, January 02, 2011
into the new year; 11:54 PM

what i've learnt and experienced in 2010:
  1. not everything can have a happy ending. i played with fire, thinking that i could manage the situation well but i was wrong. i got burnt badly. things would not have turned out this way if i had put a stop to all the misunderstandings that i created. i admit my greediness to enjoy the feeling of being courted but i picked the wrong person to play with and hurt myself thoroughly.
  2. pleasing everyone, even at the compromise of what's right, will not exchange for happiness. yea you read it. i was really miserable pleasing people at the expense of my own happiness. in the end i did all the wrong things and paid a fucking huge price for it.
  3. the truth hurts, but sometimes being honest can salvage a lot of unnecessary damage. it sure stings, hearing the ugly truths about things. at least honesty can salvage trust.
  4. finding love again. i've found the most incredible and amazing person in 2010. you're right, i've been living a dan fucked up life before meeting you and i want to thank you for fixing my life, and accepting me for who i am even though i'm not so perfect. your love has given me the courage to live this second life that you've granted me.

what my 2011 resolutions are:

  1. not to be so naive anymore. not everything can be so pure and innocent.
  2. not to be too trusting.
  3. trust.
  4. spend more time maintaining relationships. i have always suck at maintaining friendships.
  5. to be a better girlfriend.
  6. love myself more. give it more patience and time.
  7. fix my awful grades ):

Monday, April 19, 2010
7th day; 1:17 AM

and the pain is still lingering,
'cause the wound was cut too deep.
it's healing but there's still the risks of it rupturing once again.
&now the problem is: how prominent the scar will be after the wound heals.

hope 17th wasn't a fairytale.

Monday, May 11, 2009



WHEE! family &i went to our usual pigout location at haig road for 'zichar' dinner(: had crabs, braised seafood (got my fave fish maw :D) pork ribs etc. totally pigged out.. p.s not including the 2 mac meals i had for lunch &semi-dinner. p.ps also the cantonese cruisine i had for sat's dinner! yummy &bloated to the max :}:}
went tampines one to walkwalk after dinner(:

watched 'taken' in the morning at amk hub. shat tht movie's making me paranoid, now i won't dare to travel alone or with a group without guardians/: scary. HAHA i see the guys are back from field camp &everyone's suffered scratches, abrasion &mosquito bites.. yucks look at the rotten piece of flesh/: heard from yingchao tht jaren has a major breakout! lol his face is super red, comparable to boonwei's lmao!

sighh, i've been thinking probably i've bad time management or like the term choc says to describe people whom have the '3-minute-heat' lol, i'm so irresponsible ):
anws lucks to those who've sit-tests this week :D

Thursday, May 07, 2009
Lucas; 10:35 PM

roarr screw my bluetooth device .v. it's not sensitive anymore! & i've to upload pics from my phone manually one by one. pfft

anws, this is.. BABY LUCAS! my (self-proclaimed) godson!! :D sry ivy my bluetooth was being such a bitch it hung when i tried to transfer your pic over/: lol this sounds so intentional

Wednesday, May 06, 2009
translated. transposed. transcended; 10:13 PM

you can la-la-la with meeeeee..
signs of abnormal behavoir caused by suppressed frustrations
hmm suddenly i've an urge to go clubbing x:
but those thoughts will never materialise again. DANG
dancedance everything away, spend tht few night hours living in a make-believe environment & character.
if you're lucky, you may get a fast fling(: we all know: nth's serious at night

pffft psstt..
it's the tales we tell ourselves about ourselves that makes us who we are

Tuesday, May 05, 2009
you can be my someone, my sin; 10:42 PM

an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary
settling inside me is an uncomfortable feeling
perhaps it's guilt, contentment, remorse, hope
rephrase: a co-existence of everything
oxymoronic emotions, (it's like a dementor's kiss)
HAH bleagh.

3 more days. maybe i will lose some weight lol

28 bubbles of happiness; 10:02 PM

WHEE mommy ivy came back to visit with baby lucas! :D:D aww he's so cute i tried to carry him but i guess he was hungry, so he kept making those funny noises & even tried to suck my.. coughchestccough :O so hilarious.
aww looking at those adorable little babies makes me wna have mine soon too! lmfao :p i think i should start planning for my future:
a stabilized career at 26
just married at 27
be a mommy at 28!! :D:D

HAHA alright.. enough of daydreaming x:
have been reading bout my past recently, reminiscing bout the fun/down moments of life..
this will be the nth time i'm gna reiterate: THAT I SRSLY MISS THE LIFE OF BEING A SCHOOLGIRL D:

like in tkgs: seems like for the entire 4 years i've been moving around in cliques from FAST to PANGSAI POWERS (it's actually a fact lol) others often hurl criticism at us, esp when we are the psp. well yes, for the fact tht we are different HAHA but we don't care! we are who we are(: when choc &i met up with jozette & linyi 2 saturdays ago we talked to much bout the people from our pasts esp random people tht we almost forgot i.e from the malay clique to nashmi's lovebite (which led us to linyi's mushrooms :p)

like in tjc: hmm -thinks hard. not many memorable moments but there was still some.. orientations, where i met my ultimate eyecandyy as well as yuyang. others include seeking high/low for eyecandyy with yiling during breaks & morning assembly HAHA, looking for moreee eyecandies when the Ultimate graduated. also not forgetting the intensive mugging sessions for prelims in school till 8:30pm almost everyday &nlb sessions from 9am to 9pm. ok so after listing down evt, i was rlly a no-lifer during jc x:

Sunday, May 03, 2009
those days; 1:01 PM

con-tent [kuhn-ten]
1. satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.

peekchures in the pockets of memories:
class excursion to some incineration island in s'pore. SPOT US! :D

choc with geraldine @ recording of ccs first season

class bonding 2006 @ ecp

the month of april; 11:31 AM

WHEEE i changed my skin! (ripped from atiqah: tssk girl if you're reading this)
the acceptance letters from both NUS and NTU have arrived, good news(: actually the days after A's are pretty monotonous - work, sleep, tuition, weekends with the shitzx. haha or maybe it's just my life.

okkayyyy few weeks back the guys were enlisted(: & few days back their confinement period ended. yesterday they booked in for field camp :O

anws labour day holiday was action-packed from the morning till the night! went out with julie zhipeng & qianying to catch friday the 13th. i swear tht's the first & the last gory movie i'm gna watch for the rest of year 2009! zhipeng's recommandation is so wtf .v. i already can't wait to get my arse out of the theatre after the first 15mins of the show. &i so so so hate the sound effects! (JASON) BAI ZHIPENG you better watch out nxt time.. we the girls are so gna force you to watch alien v.s monsters (or any other retarded pixar aminations)!! boo but zhiqing &zhihao couldn't turn up.. such a pity ):
HAHA moving on i watched x-men origins in the evening - hugh jackman is so daamn hawwt! :D:D tsktsk victor in the movie is evil, just like his twin in the realworld mwhas :p

1st MAY: watched 17 again @ amk with yingchao before he books in. wth i was a whole 20 mins late for the movie cos i was stuck in a traffic jam along the expressway! roarrrr the taxi fare was so ex ): i alighted at the wrong bus stop &lost my way hence cabbed. today was so rush but fun(: anws after the movie we cabbed down to white sands &the mall was packed with green pixelated recruits! the escalator episode was rather hilarious :p
ohh anws i discovered tht my malay tutee has a chinese boyf for 6 mths! HAHAHA sho shiyun-imran :D

Monday, February 23, 2009
what made me unbeautiful; 10:01 PM



how did she get here.

thoughts filtered themselves behind the backspace key.
it stops here.

you know it's time to stop and ask, when your yesterdays catches up with your future.

it was me and you against the world
and you promised me forever more
was it something that i said
was is somethin that i did
cos i gotta know what made me unbeautiful

Saturday, January 10, 2009
'09; 10:43 AM

hvn't got the time to sit down and think of my new year resolutions/:

countdown @ clark quay was bit of a catastrophe (right?) so we ended up spending the last few minutes of year 2008 walking up and down the streets of chinatown and clark quay ._.
alright, yes fawn i'm also glad the shitxz tried to trash things out but i'm not sure how much went into one another's ears LOL.
we shld write new year resolutions for one another, like last year, but i rlly wonder where's our 2008 resolutions kept in a wine bottle @ chun's hse HAHA maybe discarded by her maid or sth.

okkays i've been a workaholic.
roar and i'm not spending chinese new year in s'pore. can't bai nian with the shitxz D:

in retrospect, 2008's been really a busy year with big events like the A's
apart frm that everything tht happened, happened in a blur.
i've been a rlly lousy friend last year. many friends i made walked out of my life cos i didn't stop them.
some people came and left in a hurry.
i fell and stood back up again.
haha i'm living in the past no more! :D

anws, ripped from fawn:
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, name and/ or objects but nothing made up. TRY to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same initial. You can't use your name for the girl/boy question. Have fun!

My name is: Samantha
Four letter word: Sand
Boy's name: Samuel
Girls name: Sandra
Occupation: Superhero
Florist Colour: S
Something you wear: Spectacles
Beverage: Snapple
Food: Sushi
Place: Somerset
Something found in the bathroom: Soap
Reason for being late:
Something you shout: SHIT
Font: Script
MTV Show: F(icantthinkofone)
Song title: Supermassiveblackhole
Country: Switzerland(:

Saturday, December 27, 2008
crishmaaaaaaas(:; 8:58 PM

it's the season of giving.

i've been working &i enjoy working there(: the colleauges are interesting. LOL
meanwhile i've been expanding. doing admin jobs rlly set the pounds in you/: i've gained 2kg ever since the start of A's.
i'm damn lazy. lol i hate working but i have to work to earn money for university admission. roar &i hvn't checked out my modules and admission criteria/:

well.. and happy (belated) birthday yingchao. HAHA i've given you my greetings this year so stop harping tht i forgot last year.
fish and co. was fattening ):

xmas countdown @ball's house tgt with choc, julie, cow, evepotato and how can i forget fawn? :D
i alighted at the wrong stop cos i thought all along ball lived at waterside. how gay
and so when i reached my potong ice cream and rainbows have melted .v.
okayyy so we'll countdown again for the new year!! :D:D only this time without chun):
probably with ball and potato again. LOL fawn pls upload the pictures!(:

Thursday, December 04, 2008
rendevous temasek; 11:24 PM

marina mandarin @ 1st dec.

it was a hectic hectic hectic day. went to do my hair and makeup at zhiqing mother's shop at 3 and rot all the way there till 6 where we (julie zhiqing me zhiyuan sarah etc) cabbed down to the hotel.
i didn't rlly like the food though.. &my the didn't serve my favourite dessert, red bean lotus paste!! ):): wth i was so so looking forward to the dessert &the served yam paste instead ._.

post prom was darn sucky. the party at DXO started late and ended so damn early! it ended at 1:45am when the arena &zouk ended at 3pm wth. strolled down the esplanade drive over the bridge to the merlion park.
cabbed back to zhiqing's house with zhipeng and zhihao &we stopped for uber early breakfast @ this dim sum restaurant HAHA zhihao footed the bill(:
omg removing makeup is the worst thing to do srsly.. so troublesome!!
few rounds of dai tee after the girls bathed before we all drifted to lalaland :D

roar lousy blogger can't upload my peekchas cos they're too large o.0
find them at facebook(:

Saturday, November 29, 2008
green lights, stop and go; 10:39 PM

1. Oh no, fawn got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say once they get back?
AHHHHHHH! how are your parents related to these aliens?

2. What's your fondest memory of choc?
aww. being partners with her for a year during sec 3 HAHA! i remembered drawing "choc loves sam" on our tables using correction fluid! :D

3. If jingchun played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
err.. an alcoholic! lol

4. Who is yingchao's best friend?
i think one of his sec school friends.

5. What would you do without qianying?
HAHA! i think i'll still be surviving pretty well(:

6. Do you miss julie?
not exactly. i just saw her pic moments ago!

7. If zhiqing and zhipeng teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
HAHA err most of the job would probably be done by zhiqing. zhipeng is a slacker

8. Can zhihao be bad influence?
not exactly, he's a nice guy

9. Who is zhipeng's best friend?
not sure

10. What would you do if you hadn't met kirk?
i wouldn't be bickering with him everytime.

Friday, November 28, 2008
paper lies and plastic hearts.; 10:57 PM

qite's returning to china, so we had a farewell dinner for him @ blue jazz. ohmy &poor him had to foot 50% of the bill, which was like $196 :O:O
but the girls have conscience HAHA so we decided that we'd pay for our own drinks.
never underestimate a guy's stchomach. the guys ate 2 plates of pasta(!) while 5 girls shared 1 pasta, 1 salmon & 1 chicken LOL!
ohh gin and tonic was niceeee, tasted like.. citrus? HAHA maybe i was wrong.
our mixer tasted diluted but rather nice tho, tequilla with lime. ):
rawr &the most screwed up thing bout post-prom that we realised was tht the tickets sold at the door will be entitled to free flow of drinks for the first hour!! we'd rather pay $2 more for this than for a 1-year free nEbO membership. bleagh

&now.. peektures!! :D:D

(nothing lasts forever so everything is a phase.
it's just that some phases last longer than others.)